El dl 15 de 10 de 2012 a les 11:48 +0200, en/na Mikel L. Forcada va
> AFAIK, you don't get "unknown word" when a word is analysed but not 
> translated. You get the source-language lemma, which is strange and 
> undesirable, but that is one opinion. A conservative one, granted, and 
> supported by practice and a more general concept of "database 
> consistency" (sorry Fran). Also, I know that Fran has committed a 
> version that lets the source-language surface form to percolate, which 
> would alleviate this problem.
> I was just giving an opinion. The whole PMC should decide on whether we 
> allow untrimmed releases or not.
> Mikel

I think that one of the reasons that I like the requirement is that it
develops good senses how the system works. A rigorous discipline to
working with data. The people who are most arguing against it are those
who don't have development experience.

I also have the suspicion that in removing the requirement we would end
up with a "sordid, aimless, ugly confusion" of language pair data.
Something I'd rather avoid.

There is of course nothing to stop people putting out their own releases
of language pairs -- probably providing they don't use the Apertium
name, so if someone really wants to remove the requirement, then they
are more than welcome to go it alone. 

The rest of us are more than content to have some quality controls.


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