Hi there / Saluton

[this message is directed in particular to the maintainer
of the pair eo-es / chi tiu mesagho estas aparte celita al
la zorganto de la lingvoparo eo-es]

I am installing Apertium on Ubuntu and I succeeded
to follow the instructions from SVN without any problem
until step 5:


I decided to choose the language pairs. I did not find
any problem with


but when I have chosen


the make file (correctly created, according to my shell),
says that cg-comp was not found.

I checked the wiki at the page:


but I didn't understand how to workaround. Should I install

Why some language pairs need it and others not?

Thanks for your help,



Here the relevant output from my shell:

federico@ubuntu:~/apertium/apertium-eo-es$ make
apertium-validate-dictionary apertium-eo-es.es.dix
lt-comp lr apertium-eo-es.es.dix es-eo.automorf.bin
final@inconditional 29 125
main@standard 103406 169188
apertium-validate-dictionary apertium-eo-es.eo-es.dix
lt-comp rl apertium-eo-es.eo-es.dix es-eo.autobil.bin
main@standard 88933 129510
apertium-validate-dictionary apertium-eo-es.eo.dix
lt-comp rl apertium-eo-es.eo.dix es-eo.autogen.bin
final@inconditional 31 131
main@standard 54183 103158
apertium-validate-dictionary apertium-eo-es.post-eo.dix
lt-comp lr apertium-eo-es.post-eo.dix es-eo.autopgen.bin
main@standard 29 45
cg-comp apertium-eo-es.es-eo.rlx  es-eo.rlx.bin
/bin/bash: cg-comp: comando non trovato
make: *** [es-eo.rlx.bin] Errore 127
riko@gattobus:~/apertium/apertium-eo-es$ sudo make install
cg-comp apertium-eo-es.es-eo.rlx  es-eo.rlx.bin
/bin/bash: cg-comp: comando non trovato
make: *** [es-eo.rlx.bin] Errore 127

Federico Gobbo, PhD
Research Fellow in Computer Science
Autonomous Agents & A.I. @AQ Research Group
DISIM - Dip. di Ing. e Sc. dell'Informazione e Mat.
via Vetoio - Coppito Zero - Room 209
IT-67100 L'Aquila (Italia)
tel ++39 0862-433172
web http://federicogobbo.name

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