Hello again,

I was studying how to contribute to existing pairs, but
the wiki page:


...seems to have a strange interruption.

Looking at the HTML source code:

<p>You may want, for example, to add the Spanish adjective "cósmico",
whose equivalent in Catalan is "còsmic". The first step is to add this
word to the Spanish monolingual dictionary. You will see that a
monolingual dictionary has basically two types of data: paradigms (in
the "&lt;pardefs&gt;" section of the dictionary, each paradigm inside
a &lt;pardef&gt; element) and word entries (in the main
NewPP limit report
Preprocessor node count: 15/1000000
Post-expand include size: 165/2097152 bytes
Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes
Expensive parser function count: 0/100

<!-- Saved in parser cache with key
wikidb:pcache:idhash:58-0!1!0!!en!2 and timestamp 20130129202357 -->

It seems a problem generated yesterday...

Can an admin fix it? I think it is important for everybody.

Many thanks,


Federico Gobbo, PhD
Research Fellow in Computer Science
Autonomous Agents & A.I. @AQ Research Group
DISIM - Dip. di Ing. e Sc. dell'Informazione e Mat.
via Vetoio - Coppito Zero - Room 209
IT-67100 L'Aquila (Italia)
tel ++39 0862-433172
web http://federicogobbo.name

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