Am 30.11.2014 um 08:24 schrieb vinit ravishankar:
> Hullo, you lot.
> I came across this project a while back, decided to chip in by
> contributing to the deu monodix, for starters. I haven't got commit
> access, though, could somebody fix that?
> Cheers,
> Vinit

As far as commit access is concerned I cannot help you, because I am not
an administrator.

Currently I am the main contributor for languages/apertium-deu monodix,

Help is always welcome, but I am reorganizing the dictionary at the
moment and changed quite a lot recently. (Threw out megabytes of
redundant pardefs, still ongoing)

Once/if you get commit access (first, you need a sourceforge-account) we
should therefore coordinate our accesses, i.e. update often and commit

By the way: What kind of changes are you planning to do the most?
If it is paradigm work, then you might find your work ruined before you
get a chance to commit and once I'm done there should not be much work
left, anyway.
Adding words should be fine. There are a few pitfalls, though. ge-
participles (gelaufen, etc.) for example require an additional
dictionary entry, because they would mess up the paradigm.

Best regards

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