The Spanish word "mango" (n. masc.) has two main meanings:

1) handle. E.g. El mango de la sartén. / The handle of the frying pan.
2) mango (fruit or tree). E.g. He comido mango. / I have eaten mango.

To find the right translation is not difficult. "Handle" is the default
translation. But if some words are used in the sentence, then "mango"
should be the preferred translation.

I implemented a rule in a Catalan grammar checker to find wrong
translations of mango. With a list of about 100 lemmas, the results are
good enough. These lemmas come from a Catalan corpus (where the two
meanings are different words: mànec/mango).

How can this approach be best implemented in Apertium? I translated the
list of 100 words to Spanish and wrote some rules in the Constraint-based
lexical selection module.  But I need to write a different rule for each
distance from the ambiguous word.[1] Is there a way to indicate "any place
in the sentence"? If implemented, I think it could be very productive. The
same list of Spanish words can be used by other language pairs.

Jaume Ortolà

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