Hi all,

Is anyone able to provide some help on the below? I think it has to do
with first installing release and then nightly ppa's, but don't know how
to proceed.


Michael Wehar <mwe...@buffalo.edu> čálii:

> Dear Kevin,
> Thank you so much!! Yes, the first thing that I tried was installing the 
> release and then apertium-all-dev. I
> got the unmet depedencies error described here:
> http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Installation_troubleshooting
> I had to manually install the dependencies and noticed that the available 
> versions for libhfst-dev had changed
> so I had to manually specify version 48. The install of apertium-all-dev, 
> then went through, but apertium-get
> en-es led to the error that I described in the previous email (language pairs 
> would not compile).
> Next, I started up a fresh instance and tried the same thing with the 
> nightly, but this time, I had to select
> libhfst-dev version 49. Once the install went through, when I tried to 
> install language pairs, I ran into the
> same undefined symbol error.
> Here is another person who had this issue back in 2016:
> Link 1: https://askubuntu.com/questions/852264/ubuntu-apertium-package-bug
> If you are able to forward my issue to the mailing list, that would be great!!
> Thank you so much! I really appreciate all of your help. :)
> Sincerely,
> Michael Wehar
> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 7:54 AM, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <ke...@unhammer.org> 
> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  sorry to hear about that … is it OK if I forward this to the mailing
>  list?
>  Btw, have you tried installing Apertium before? Could any of the libs
>  from older installs be on your machine?
>  Also, why are you compiling apertium from source? If you just want to
>  compile language pairs, you can get the core tools (lttoolbox, apertium,
>  apertium-lex-tools, vislcg3, hfst) from the Nightly PPA with
>  wget https://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/install-nightly.sh -O - | sudo bash
>  sudo apt-get -f install apertium-all-dev
>  as shown on http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Ubuntu
>  Then you can check out and compile as shown in
>  http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Install_language_data_by_compiling
>  I'd recommend trying the "apertium-get" script first, which will svn
>  checkout and compile for you:
>  apertium-get nno-nob
>  cd apertium-nno-nob
>  echo Eg såg ho ikkje | apertium -d . nno-nob
>  Michael Wehar <mwe...@buffalo.edu> čálii:
>  > Dear Kevin,
>  >
>  > Sorry to send this message directly to you. I'm hoping that you might know 
> who in the Apertium
>  community
>  > might know about this.
>  >
>  > I tried to install the current commit for Apertium on Ubuntu 16 in several 
> different ways. It worked,
>  but none
>  > of the language pairs that I tried would compile. Here is the error:
>  >
>  > apertium-preprocess-transfer: symbol lookup error: 
> apertium-preprocess-transfer: undefined symbol:
>  > _ZN9XMLReader4readERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
>  >
>  > When I searched online, it seems that a few other people recently got this 
> error as well, but no one
>  had a
>  > solution for it.
>  >
>  > Any directions that you could point me in are greatly appreciated!
>  >
>  > Sincerely,
>  >
>  > Michael Wehar
>  >

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