mansur <> čálii:

> Hello!
> I have a very big file (some millions of lines) with one sentence per line.
> When I run Apertium's tagger sometimes it merges those lines. I tried to
> insert empty lines between real lines and it merged fewer lines. I inserted
> 10 empty lines and it merges even fewer lines, but there are some merging
> what is not acceptable for me. What can I do to stop merging lines?
> cat file.txt | sed -r 's/$/\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/' | apertium -n -d
> ./apertium-tat tat-tagger | cg-proc ./apertium-tat/dev/mansur.bin > file.txt

Does tat-tagger without cg-proc do it too?

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