Just a kind reminder that apertium-ron-cat is ready for release on
apertium.org and has not been released yet. The same applies to
apertium-eng-cat. Both pairs were made public in December in SoftcatalĂ 's
deployment of Apertium and no further bugs preventing release were found,
so it is safe to release them.


*Marc Riera*

Missatge de Marc Riera Irigoyen <marc.riera.irigo...@gmail.com> del dia
dc., 28 de nov. 2018 a les 18:29:

> Hello all,
> I am glad to announce that the Romanian-Catalan pair (apertium-ron-cat) is
> now ready to be packaged and released to the public. The pair should also
> be moved to trunk (it is currently in the nursery).
> This pair was developed as part of GSoC 2018 and for the first time
> provides direct translation between the two languages (other translation
> platforms use English as a pivot language). While still falling behind
> other platforms, specially in the Catalan>Romanian direction, which is the
> less developed and has a WER/PER of 52.9%/44.8%, I think results for the
> Romanian>Catalan are good enough (39%/28.8% WER/PER) considering the
> limited development time. For comparison, Google and Yandex score
> 12.6%/8.7% and 29.3%/21.4% respectively when translating from Romanian to
> Catalan.
> I would also like to take this opportunity to remind that the updated
> English-Catalan pair (apertium-eng-cat) developed as part of GSoC 2017 is
> still due packaging and release. It was previously blocked by a few bugs in
> apertium-separable and apertium-tagger, but as far as I know these have
> been fixed.
> Thanks to everyone for the support!
> *Marc Riera*
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