Catalan→French works, and the logs say it's been working at least since
February 12th – 351 requests, all marked as OK / http code 200.

French→Catalan however keeps giving empty output. I see the pipeline
includes "lsx-proc", which doesn't seem to handle NUL flushing: 

echo -e 
'^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][\n]\0^avoir<vbhaver><pri><p1><sg>$[][\n]\0' | 
lsx-proc -z fra-cat.autosep.bin

$ lsx-proc --help
Error: Cannot open file '--help'.

$ man lsx-proc 
No manual entry for lsx-proc
See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.

Hèctor Alòs i Font <>

> The translator from Catalan to French in is not working for
> some days at least. Probably it crashed. Could someone restart it, please?
> It doesn't happen for the first time. Is it possible to get some
> information from the crash and open an issue in GitHub in the right place?
> Thanks in advance.
> Hèctor
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