Unfortunately Idk any Italian dialects; fr-ita could be a great

Il lun 4 mar 2019, 14:56 Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> ha scritto:

> El 2019-03-04 12:53, Alessandra Pasini escribió:
> > Hi everybody!
> > I'm Alessandra Pasini, I'm a 22 years old italian student at
> > Politecnico di Milano (major computer science-AI). Before university I
> > studied italian, latin and ancient greek for 5 years and I also
> > obtained a high level of english and french by living in Canada for a
> > while. I also understand a bit of spanish =)
> > I'm really interested in what you do and, in particular I'm interested
> > in your proposal called "Bring a released language pair up to
> > state-of-art-quality".
> >
> > I've never partecipated at an open source project but I would like to
> > start to be part of it.
> >
> > I was thinking to add the pair en-ita/ita-en or fr-ita/ita-fr , what
> > do you think?
> > I have already started to work on the coding challenge but I didn't
> > get exactely how it works and I have a few questions:
> > 1. what do you mean when you say "Postedit the translated text to make
> > a reference translation" ?
> > 2. the aim of the coding challenge is to modify and improve some
> > already existing dictionary, right?
> >
> Nice to hear from you Alessandra!
> French--Italian would be an interesting option, but Italian--some other
> language
> would also be interesting, e.g. Corsican or Friulian, or some other
> language
> of Italy.
> Have you considered that at all?
> 1) Postedit the translated text = Take the output of the translation
> system and
> fix it until it is adequate/publishable target language text.
> 2) Not just the dictionary, but the whole system.
> Regards,
> Fran
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