*Very* impressive work. Congrats!

Missatge de Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <unham...@fsfe.org> del dia dl., 11 de
març 2019 a les 21:35:

> God aftan,
> New versions of the four Scandinavian pairs are now available from
> SourceForge, Github and apertium.org.
> These releases come courtesy of Nynorsk pressekontor / NPK (an enclave
> of Nynorsk journalists working within NTB, the Norwegian News
> Agency[1]), with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture. There
> has been some press about the project.[2][3]
> NPK have been using apertium-nno-nob in production since fall 2018 –
> it's integrated into their translation/editing systems – and we've been
> continually improving it with the help of their post-edits and
> feedback. The form/spelling/style choices used by nob→nno are now more
> modern and uniform (there was a major release of Nynorsk[4] back in
> 2012, while most style decisions in the translator were made in the
> first release back in 2009).
> Other major changes to nno-nob:
> - 35 new transfer rules[5]
> - 248 new lrx rules
> - about 42.000 new names and 3.800 new non-names added to bidix
> - regression testing by checking that WER does not drop
> - lots of work on nob disambiguation
> - we now do long-distance adjective congruence
> - there's a post-nno.dix to get rid of triple consonants resulting from
>   compounding
> - compounding happens on proper nouns too now
> - genitives are translated not just by preposition-rewriting, but we now
>   also have:
>   - lists of exceptions where we want to keep genitives
>   - rewriting some nouns with relatives
>   - rewriting nationalities with adjectives
>   - rewriting some abstract nouns into compounds
> The project is not yet done, but people have been asking about when the
> fruits of it will show up on apertium.org :-)
> The other three pairs have also had improvements since last release;
> some were also getting pretty bad testvoc-issues due to changes in
> dependencies[6], so they get releases too. Apart from testvoc, the pairs
> have gotten some transfer rules and fixes merged in from nno-nob
> (e.g. prop compounding, and handling genitives in coordinated NP's), and
> various disambiguation and vocabulary updates.
> -Kevin
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_News_Agency
> [2]
> https://www.medier24.no/artikler/na-blir-det-nynorsk-bonanza-i-ntb-splitter-ny-robot-oversetter-artikler-automatisk-fra-bokmal/440934
> [3]
> https://framtida.no/2018/08/08/nynorskrobot-ei-god-loysing-for-a-dekke-nynorskprosenten
> [4] http://www.sprakradet.no/upload/Brosjyrer/Ny%20nynorskrettskriving.pdf
> [5] One of which required a bugfix to apertium-transfer
> https://github.com/apertium/apertium/commit/542de014a93c96905198f193e0a62a89317fa8a9
> [6] https://github.com/apertium/apertium-packaging/issues/12
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