Le 25/06/19 21:27, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer  <unham...@fsfe.org> a écrit : 
> Hi all,
> Currently, there are two html-formats, "html" and "html-noent". This is
> the difference between them:
> $ echo å | apertium -f html-noent nob-nno
> å
> $ echo å | apertium -f html nob-nno
> å
> ie. the one named "html" replaces some (but not all!) non-ascii
> characters with xml &entities.
> I believe the "html" behaviour is more unexpected/surprising to new
> users, and it would make sense to make the "html-noent" behaviour the
> default, while renaming the other one to something like "html-ent", so
> that we could get:
> $ echo å | apertium -f html nob-nno
> å
> $ echo å | apertium -f html-ent nob-nno
> å
> (and keeping "html-noent" around as an alias to avoid breakage)
> But first: Does anyone have hard-to-change scripts or programs that
> depend on the current behaviour (while still needing up-to-date apertium
> versions)?

Good idea.

Presently internet tranmission is done on 8 bits and most of websites are UTF-8
encoded. So,the &keyletter; system is obsolescent.

As to me, for my oldests websites which are ISO- 8859-15  encoded, I rather use
&#number; for the Esperanto version as : 

  <h1>Teknikaj &#265;efa&#309;oj</h1>
 <i>&#264;i tiu pa&#285;o de informoj estas certe la malplej alirebla
 de &#265;i tiu retejo. Estas necesa aran&#285;i ke kono pri la formato
 de la mesa&#285;oj elsendis per elektronika po&#349;to (....)

And when I started to use Apertium to translate directly HTML code, te default
behaviour of html defromatter was borring. May be I wrote to this list to get 
html-noent solution which works fine when alternative on-line translators change
nice html code by something unreadable by takig off newlines and indentation.

Your approach
- keeping html-noent option,
- addind html-ent option
- and changig html option behaviour
is the right solution.

Note : My Apertium email address stays bechapert...@free.fr

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