-------- Mensaje Original --------
Asunto: Re: Still problems with "una"
Fecha: 2019-07-17 11:43
De: Elisardo <elisard...@gmail.com>
Destinatario: Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com>

Sorry for bother you, but problem persists... :(

I translated "Una casa en la playa. Una persona en el mar." and the
result was "Una casa na praia. Una persoa no mar." The correct
translation is "Unha casa na praia. Unha persoa no mar."

Additionally I tested all this sentences:
una vez. dar una caminata. es la una. dar una vuelta. sacar una buena
nota. ver una película. hacer una pregunta. a la una. tengo una
pregunta. echar una carta. hay una. había una vez. dar una fiesta. una
vez allí. es una pena. tener una cita. tomar una ducha. es la una y
media. escribir una carta. poner una multa

And sentences with wrong translation were "ter una cita" and "tomar una

With this test I think that the problem should be in rule
*uno<num><f><sp>, in feminine it should be translated to "unha".

Could you fix it, please?


O sáb., 13/07/2019 ás 07:09, Francis Tyers (<fty...@prompsit.com>)

El 2019-07-12 16:43, Elisardo escribió:
Ok, I think that it's correct, "una" always should be translated to

Where are the changes to tell it to Tino?


O ven., 12/07/2019 ás 13:14, Francis Tyers (<fty...@prompsit.com>)

El 2019-07-12 09:55, Elisardo escribió:
Francis the problem with "una" still persists :(

I tryed to translate: "Voy para casa y llevo una caja. Para los
elementos de esta forma no necesitamos una estructura compleja."
the result was "Vou para casa e levo unha caixa. Para os elementos
desta forma non necesitamos una estrutura complexa.", the last
persist untranslated...

Tino told me the rules about "una", could you help me to review
I'm not linguist, so I don't know all the details of this

He told me that the rules asociated to "una" are:





I understand that uno<num> is the numeral uno,  and the femenine
galician is always "unha"

I understand that uno<prn> is the pronoun, and the femenine in
galician is always "unha"

I understand that uno<det> is the determinant, and the feminine in
galician is always "unha"

The other rules about "unir" are a verb, the form "una", present
subjunctive, is the same in galician, but the rules shouldn't mix
up a
verb with the other forms...

Could you help me with that?

Hi Elisardo,

Tino is right that those are the possible analyses of "una" in

The problems are when the tagger is choosing a verb reading instead
one of the other readings.

Here is the sentence you gave:

"para" pr
;       "parar" vblex pri p3 sg REMOVE:321:r_para_2
;       "parar" vblex imp p2 sg REMOVE:321:r_para_2
;       "parir" vblex prs p3 sg REMOVE:321:r_para_2
;       "parir" vblex prs p1 sg REMOVE:321:r_para_2
;       "parir" vblex imp p3 sg REMOVE:321:r_para_2
"el" det def m pl
"lo" prn pro p3 m pl
"elemento" n m pl
"de" pr
"este" prn tn f sg
"este" det dem f sg
"forma" n f sg
;       "formar" vblex pri p3 sg REMOVE:255:r_verb_1
;       "formar" vblex imp p2 sg REMOVE:255:r_verb_1
"no" adv
"no" ij
"necesitar" vblex pri p1 pl
;       "necesitar" vblex ifi p1 pl REMOVE:1189:presente_pasado0
"uno" num f sp
"uno" prn tn f sg
"uno" det ind f sg
"unir" vblex prs p3 sg
"unir" vblex prs p1 sg
"unir" vblex imp p3 sg
"estructura" n f sg
"estructurar" vblex pri p3 sg
;       "estructurar" vblex imp p2 sg REMOVE:426:imp_1
"complejo" adj f sg
"." sent

Notice that "una" is undisambiguated.

We have a rule that says:

"<una>" REMOVE Vblex IF (-1C Fin) (1C N) ;

= For the word "una" remove the verb reading if it is preceeded by

finite verb and followed by something that can only be a noun.

If I change it to:

"<una>" REMOVE Vblex IF (-1C Fin) (1C N OR Fin) ;

Allowing the following word to be a finite-verb too, then it works.

$ echo "Voy para casa y llevo una caja. Para los elementos de esta
no necesitamos una estructura compleja." | apertium -d . es-gl
Vou para casa e levo unha caixa. Para os elementos desta forma non
necesitamos unha estrutura complexa.

I've pushed the changes.


There is a persistent problem with 'una' in the Spanish tagger. It keeps
on getting selected as the imperative or subjunctive of 'unir'


I don't have time to work on the Spanish CG, so what do people think about
just removing those two analyses without context?


Una = "<una>" ;

REMOVE (0 Unir) (0 Una) ;

If there are no complains I will implement this.


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