I think this is well defined:

"18 The responsibilities of the Project Management Committee include
Giving access rights to new Committers.



El 26/2/20 a les 17:22, Jonathan Washington ha escrit:
That's a good start for a discussion about revising committer status in the bylaws, and maybe for use of a definition for the election, but it also raises a few questions:

- How do we decide who's a member of the GitHub org?
- How do we decide who has write access to an Apertium repo?

These are decided somewhat arbitrarily at this point.

Also, people decide not to include their email address on their GitHub profile for various reasons (though often don't take the care the mask it in their commit history).  I understand where you're going with this, though—and I think it's better stated the other way around: "for purposes of being contacted for voting, a committer's email address should be known to the PMC; they cannot expect to receive a ballot if they do not either have an email address posted on their GitHub profile or are a member of the apertium-stuff mailing list."

Actually, though, admin access to the manage the apertium-stuff mailing list has been lost, iirc, so that might be problematic too.  We could potentially work something out with sourceforge to regain access though?


ср, 26 февр. 2020 г. в 11:03, Scoop Gracie <scoopgra...@gmail.com <mailto:scoopgra...@gmail.com>>:

    Also, may I suggest a definition of "committer"?
    * All members of the Apertium GitHub org (except, obviously,
    * Anyone with write access to an Apertium repo,
    * Anyone who has submitted and had merged a PR in the last 6 months
    Anyone in any of the categories above must have an email address
    on his/her GitHub profile.

    On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 7:27 AM Scoop Gracie
    <scoopgra...@gmail.com <mailto:scoopgra...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Okay, so it sounds like I can run.

        On Wed, Feb 26, 2020, 05:26 Tino Didriksen
        <m...@tinodidriksen.com <mailto:m...@tinodidriksen.com>> wrote:

            On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 13:13, Scoop Gracie
            <scoopgra...@gmail.com <mailto:scoopgra...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Is there any requirement for PMC members to be over
                18? And, how much of a time commitment is this?

            Undefined. I would say that to be a PMC member, you just
            need to be 13 - that would comply with various worldwide laws.

            But, any power of the purse should be restricted to 18+,
            again to comply with contract laws.

            As for time spent ... well, if previous years is
            any indication, less than an hour per week on average.
            Vast majority of time spent on Apertium isn't really spent
            on PMC-specific matters.

            -- Tino Didriksen

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