> Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 22:20:41 +0100 > From: Tino Didriksen 
> <m...@tinodidriksen.com>
> To: "[apertium-stuff]" <apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Reply-To: apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Apertium-stuff] Apertium elections coming up.
> Pièce(s) jointes(s) probable(s)>
> So far, these people have indicated they want to run for PMC members:
> - Jonathan Washington
> - Francis Tyers
> - Tino Didriksen
> - Scoop Gracie (pseudonym)
> - Tanmai Khanna
> - Xavi Ivars
> ...with Mikel L. Forcada as a maybe.
> These are standing for PMC President:
> - Francis Tyers
> - Tino Didriksen
> These have volunteered for being the election board:
> - Sevilay Bayatlı
> - Hèctor Alòs i Font
> - Daniel Swanson
> If Mikel moves from maybe to certain, then we have the minimum 7 members.
> And then the election would be simply to determine who is the president -
> in which case, I would yield to Francis so that we can simply avoid needing
> to run the election. If we get more than 7 candidates so that we need to
> run the full election anyway, I'll contest the presidency.
> Alternatively, given how the world is shutting down from Covid-19, maybe we
> should just postpone the election until things have settled down for
> everyone.
> -- Tino Didriksen

Well, if there is exactly the needed number of PMC candidates for having each
of them elected and only one volonteer for president, no problem if the actual
PMCs or the actual president or the election board or both of them decides to
declare the results without running the election, I would not find it stupid.

But using the pretext of the Covid-19 to postpone the election, I find that
very strange.

In different countries of the world, at least in Europe. People are called to
stay at home instead of moving somewhere to work and going back home later
every working day. For some ot them, the reason is just to keep at home children
who don't go to school.

Staying at home, gives free time that we don't have when working.

In France, from next Monday, from mother school to university, pupils and
students will have to stay at home, but in different schools teachers are
called th stay in contact with then, and to use internet to give them some

For persons working in enterprises, when it is possible, they are called to
stay at home and to use a computer with Internet for working.

So, this illness may be an occasion for some people who move each day for
working or studing to stay at home and to go on working or studing (certainly
in a less intensive way) using a computer and Internet.

For a free software developer, using a computer and Internet is nothing new.

Participating to the PMC election, for people who just vote, that will mean
receiving 2 or 3 emails, and sending one email for voting.

That is not a big work and doing that when moving every day to the working
ou studing place or when staying at home will not change a lot.

And as I said earlier, having to stay at home may even give more free time.

If there was hundred of million peoples in the world ill due to covid-19
at the same time (5 % of the world population or more), that would be a
valuable reason to postpone this election. But we are very very far from
it, and in an Apertium PMC election, there are generally only around 30
persons voting.

Bernard Chardonneau (France)
Phone : [33] 9 72 36 32 90
GSM phone : [33] 7 69 46 16 31

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