Saluton, Andrew!
Mi ĝojas legi pri propono rilata al esperanto. Mi daŭrigas angle, por ke al
ĉiuj estu kompreneble.

It probably doesn't make any sense to work on the English-French pair in
Apertium, since these are two of the languages with the most resources in
the world (linguistic and non-linguistic). As a result, there are quite a
lot of good translators between them, although most of them commercial.

Esperanto is also included in Google Translator, but I think the
Esperanto-French translation can be done at a similar level in Apertium.
Moreover, the translation from Esperanto to French could be used to test
the new apertium-recursive module.

In fact, the current versions of Apertium's four Esperanto pairs (English ⇆
Esperanto, French → Esperanto, Spanish → Esperanto and Catalan → Esperanto)
were released ten years ago. They all use the old all-in-one-repository
structure. Porting these four pairs into the new structure which shares
language resources (using apertium-eng, apertium-fra, apertium-spa and
apertium-cat) would result in a big improvement, because a lot of work has
been done in Apertium on these languages in the last ten years. But porting
is not automatic, since there are differences betweem the monodixes of the
current pairs and the ones in the given four repositories. There are even
differences between the Esperanto-monodixes in these four pairs.

Another question is that @Bernard Chardonneau <> has
been working in his own branch of apertium-fra-esp. So, it'd be interesting
to read to what he thinks on a GSoC that would include this pair. Maybe he
could find time to mentor the project (and maybe @Jacob Nordfalk
<>, who created the Esperanto-English pair, too).

So, in short, in my opinion:

- You should evaluate the quality of the current Google translation,
especially for the French-Esperanto pair, in which Google translates in two
steps (this
is what I did in a similar case last year)

- A part of the project could be a kind of elementary "make a language pair
state-of the art
At a minimum this would include the French-Esperanto pair

- Maybe half of the project could be developing a translator from Esperanto
into French


Missatge de Andrew Briand <> del dia dc., 25 de març
2020 a les 11:46:

> Hello,
> I am an undergrad interested in adopting an Apertium language pair for
> Google Summer of Code 2020. I am most interested in French<->English,
> Esperanto->English, and Esperanto<->French. What might a project for those
> language pairs look like?
> Thank you,
> Andrew Briand
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