Translated it to Hindi.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 12:54 PM Mikel L. Forcada <> wrote:

> Dear Apertiumers:
> Translation Commons is seeking help to get a COVID-19 health poster
> translated into as many languages as possible.
> If you would like to help, please check the information Fran and I got
> from Jeannette Stewart.
> Thank you very much.
> Mikel
> -------- Missatge reenviat --------
> Assumpte: Announcing a multilingual COVID-19 health and safety
> poster-maker
> Data: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 15:54:50 -0700
> De: Jeannette Stewart <>
> <>
> A: Mikel L. Forcada <> <>, Francis Tyers
> <> <>
> Dear Mikel and Francis,
> I hope you can help with a vital and timely project?
> Translation Commons has made a multilingual *poster-maker *to help
> language communities all over the world receive important *health and
> safety guidelines* from the World Health Organization to combat the 
> *Coronavirus
> pandemic*.
> We are excited to disseminate these posters as soon as possible to
> communities around the world. The poster-maker is pre-populated with
> word-prompts derived from the Panlex database in over 6,000 languages. If a
> translation doesn't exist in any language at least the word prompts along
> with the icons will help those communities get the correct message.
> You can view the public Covid 19 Multilingual Poster-Maker
> <>
> Please help us reach the speakers of as many languages as possible by
> adding your languages and/or forwarding this email to your contacts, and
> asking them to follow the instructions below in order to create a poster
> with an accurate, *complete translation of 7 phrases* from English into
> their language.
> Contributors, please use this edit link :
> to open and edit the poster and:
>    - Enter your language’s name or ISO code into the text box at the top
>    of the poster, and select the appropriate language from the list of
>    suggestions. The poster will auto-fill with initial translations, or
>    single-word prompts if nothing else is available.
>    - *Edit the poster title, the word for “language”, and the five
>    instructions* below it so that they contain complete and accurate
>    translations.
>    - Enter your name and email at the bottom of the poster so we can
>    thank you and add you to our contributors.
>    - *Enter the code “**tcpl**” into the small box below the email field
>    and click the save icon.* This causes your translations to be saved
>    and available to others.
>    - After saving, you can print the poster or share it through social
>    media by using the buttons at the bottom.
>    - If the content is already displayed correctly in your language, it
>    means it has been translated by someone else. If you disagree with the
>    translation please email me with your version and explanation.
> Please only share with your contacts that you feel can best contribute.
> Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.
> With appreciation,
> Jeannette
> Twitter:,
> Facebook:
> Jeannette Stewart
> Founder, Translation Commons
> "Stop Coronavirus" Poster *Do The Five
> <>*
> 1.Wash hands, 2.Cough in elbow, 3.Don't touch your face, 4.Keep distance,
> 5.Stay home
> *Translate them in your language*
> The slogan is designed to generate industry awareness and is free to copy
> or download from Translation Commons <>
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> Apertium-stuff mailing list

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