Speaking as a language developer,¹ I prefer concise, textual tags.

E.g., I don't think <surfaceform:hargle> is good—it clogs the stream
with verbosity, as Fran points out.

On the other hand, I don't mind symbols here and there, like <§agent>.
But I don't think this is a good secondary tag, unless we make it very
explicit which unicode spans/classes can be used to define secondary

I don't like tags like <:human>, unless we are explicit about
considering this a special way of encoding *semantic category*
information in secondary tags.

Fran, regarding these last two points, could you define what each
symbol in your example tags stands for, and what range/class of
symbols can continue to be used for secondary tags?

¹ Qualification: not one that's developed a released pair from start
to finish, but that's mostly because my attention is too divided...  I
do have decent amounts of experience with the entire pipeline, though,
and experience working on all pipeline stages in several individual
pairs (including one approaching release / "in nursery").


8 may 2020, C. tarixində 14:02 tarixində Hèctor Alòs i Font
<hectora...@gmail.com> yazdı:
> Missatge de Francis Tyers <fty...@prompsit.com> del dia dv., 8 de maig 2020 a 
> les 18:05:
>> El 2020-05-08 15:50, Tino Didriksen escribió:
>> > For khannatanmai's GSoC project, secondary tags will be implemented in
>> > a backwards compatible manner. That it in itself indisputable. But,
>> > there is a question of how the initial batch of secondary tags should
>> > look.
>> >
>> > I feel they should be in the form of <sf:cdefg>, as in a very short
>> > textual lower-case prefix, followed by :, followed by whatever value
>> > there is. Or even an upper-case prefix, as in <S:cdefg> or <SF:cdefg>.
>> >
>> > spectie wants symbol prefixes in the form of <%:cdefg>.
>> >
>> [snip]
>> > From a technical and scientific basis, textual prefixes are just
>> > better. And yet, spectie wants symbol prefixes because he likes them.
>> > I disagree. Hence, this mail asking for opinions.
>> >
>> > Do you language developers actually prefer symbol prefixes?
>> >
>> Tino misrepresented me slightly. I never proposed using the pound sign.
>> My proposal was for:
>> отец<n><sg><gen><@subj><§agent><%:отца><:human><:kin><!:aef31><!:fcd32>
>> If we have to have these "secondary tags"... which I have yet to be
>> completely convinced of,
>> I would like to have them be readable and not clutter the stream with
>> unnecessary
>> verbosity. There are a lot of rule-based formalisms out there that are
>> impossible to read,
>> having been dreamt up by people who don't actually spend a lot of time
>> writing language
>> data, and I would like to avoid that happening with Apertium.
> Well, from a developer's point of view, I'd like very much if I could get 
> information like "human", "construction", "denonym", "material", "musical 
> instrument", etc. which I have to use for lexical selection and also 
> sometimes for transfer. It seems logical to me that this data would be some 
> day placed in the dictionary or in a kind of secondary dictionary. In fact 
> the trend is already to add more semantic information to words: for example 
> in proper names we now often distinguish between first names, surnames, place 
> names, hidronyms, etc.
> Personally, I don't have any preference in the syntax. I'm fine with any 
> method that is short, easy to type on any keyboard and that identifies a tag 
> as secondary.
> Hèctor
>> Again, and again I want to see a translation and a linguistic
>> motivation. In an _actual_
>> language pair, not in someone's imagination.
>> We have a lot of modules that have been made but not reached use in a
>> released pair,
>> so I don't see how this should be different.
>> Fran
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