Dear Apertium community,

As part of the European H2020 Prêt-à-LLOD project
<>, we at University of Zaragoza and Goethe
University Frankfurt have been working on a new version of the Apertium
family of dictionaries in *RDF*, with the final aim of making the Apertium
data available as a unified graph
linked dictionaries on the Web, making it easily re-usable for other tasks
beyond machine translation.

To address the heterogeneity of *morphosyntactic tags *used in Apertium we
have created an initial manual *mapping of the Apertim tags to the LexInfo
category registry <> and to
the Universal Dependencies POS tagset
<>*. Such a mapping not only will
allow to ease the linking of lexical content of Apertium to external
resources, but it will also enable to homogeneously query Apertium lexica
that originally used diverse tagsets. This mapping is compliant with
Apertium's List of symbols <> and
includes tags absent there but identified during the tag extraction.

Since many of the tags in the source data were specific to the language,
and not all of them were accompanied by a proper description, the mappings
may contain errors. We are thus turning to the *Apertium community *to
share our work and to jointly *curate such a mapping table*. Our final goal
is to build a table of mappings as semantically fine-grained as possible.
We are sure that this can be beneficial for the Apertium community for
other tasks beyond the RDF conversion.

The mapping is available at, where you can find
the mapping files, downloadable as CSV
 and TSV
details of the methodology followed, as well as additional documentation.

If you are interested in helping us identify errors, or want to provide
your expertise and insights in the interpretation of these tags, please do
not hesitate to contact our colleague Julia Bosque-Gil (in cc) or to open a
new issue in the GitHub repository mentioned above.

Best regards,

Jorge Gracia, PhD
Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering /
Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A)
University of Zaragoza
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