Are we doing GSoC this year with half-time projects? If so, we need to

-- Tino Didriksen

On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 at 08:34, 'sttaylor' via Google Summer of Code Mentors
List <> wrote:

> Happy new year everyone!
> Just a quick reminder that if your org would like to apply for the 2021
> GSoC program please start thinking about the ~175 hr projects you would
> like students to work on and also reach out to your community members to
> ask if they would like to be mentors for the program. Having a thorough and
> well thought out list of Project Ideas
> <>
> is the most important part of your application.
> We realize many of you have project ideas from a previous GSoC Ideas List
> based on a 350 hour size project, please look at ways to either break the
> project into smaller chunks or consider completely new project ideas that
> will be ~175 hours for students to work on over the summer.
> You can check out the 2021 GSoC Org Application Questions
> <>
> if you’d like to start preparing your responses in advance so you can copy
> over your answers once the org applications open Jan 29 - Feb 19 at
> - there are a few new questions this year.
> Please encourage other open source orgs to apply -- if you know of other
> open source projects that may be interested in applying to GSoC as a first
> time org please remind them to check out the available resources below and
> have them put your org (or you) down as a reference.
> Open source projects can apply <> to
> be mentoring organizations from January 29th - February 19th at 1900 UTC.
> *Resources:*
> Mentor Guide <>
> Timeline <>
> FAQs <>
> Roles and Responsibilities
> <>
> Marketing Materials
> <>
> (slide deck, flyers)
> Videos <>
> If you have any questions please email me at
> Best,
> Stephanie Taylor
> GSoC Program Lead
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