Am Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 08:03:41AM -0500 schrieb Daniel Swanson:
> >
> > Another question is that in lot of expected files there seems to be
> > all-capsed words for fin-* pairs, I am not sure how this has happened?
> > I am guessing my apertium is older and some ICU changes have affected
> > the output, perhaps in some code I've copypasted ununderstandingly to
> > all fin-* pairs.
> >
> For that example in particular (and likely others as well), the t1x
> output code says
> <chunk name="NP" case="caseFirstWord">
> which gives the chunk an all-caps lemma (caseFirstWord is a
> non-existent variable, so it has no effect) and then the default
> behavior of postchunk is to copy the chunk case to the words, so
> ^NP<N><FOOFOO>{^koti<n><sg><nom>$}$
> becomes
> ^KOTI<n><sg><nom>$^.<punct>$
> so I think this might be a case of inadvertently relying on a bug in
> the old transfer case-handling functions and I'm not quite sure what
> the appropriate solution is.

Mmh so the @case here is overall copypasted from the original template:


I have never touched or looked it up from the manual, maybe others have
not either, and yeah I didn't even know chunk names had an effect to the
translation before now.

Regards, Flammie <>
(Please note, that I will often include my replies inline instead of
top or bottom of the mail)

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