
Those sound like great projects. There's no limit to how many projects
can be related to one language; proposals are ranked based things like
student application/experience/involvement, mentor availability, and how
well the proposal fits with the Apertium project's overall goals and how
feasible it seems.

If Apertium is accepted for GSoC, we will try to get the word out
wherever we can to possible students. Sometimes they hear it from us,
other times they find Apertium from looking over the general list of
GSoC projects.

(For first-time IRC use, people seem to like using Matrix, there's a
guide at https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/IRC/Matrix but it should be
enough to make an account at https://riot.im/app/#/register and search
for "Apertium" in public rooms.)


> Hi
> I'm desperately trying to join Apertium IRC to talk about this but I
> can't, so I will use this mailing list instead.
> We would like to propose subjects for GSoC related to occitan
> language. We have 2 ideas :
> - Convert the occitan-french pair to recursive transfert. I think
>   Hector Alos would agree to be the mentor on this one.
> - Add two occitan varieties (provençal and limousin) to the
>   occitan-french pair. I could mentor this one, and Lo Congrès would
>   provide lexicons (for conjugations and translations) to pour in
>   Apertium monodix and bidix.
> I don't know how GSoC works. Can a language submit two subjects ? If
> not, could we apply this year for the recursive transfert and next
> year for the new varieties ?
> How does it work to search for students with the required abilities ?
> Thanks
> Aura Séguier, responsabla de projèctes e desvolopaira
> Lo Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana
> Ciutat - Creem !, 5-7 rue de la Fontaine, 64000 Pau
> T. +33 (0)5 32 00 00 64
> a.segu...@locongres.org
> <mailto:a.segu...@locongres.org>
> www.locongres.org <http://www.locongres.org>

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