Dear Apertium folks,

I'm writing to express my interest in participating in the GSoC with
Apertium. I'm a first-year Ph.D. student in the NLP domain. I'm excited to
work with the Apertium community on developing translation technology for
low-resource languages, particularly Bodo. Bodo is a low-resource language
primarily spoken in the Northeastern region of India. As an NLP researcher
and native speaker of Bodo, I'm committed to building technology to
preserve and promote indigenous languages like Bodo.

I'm interested in adding a new language English-Bodo to the Apertium
platform through this GSoC program or otherwise. I believe this can
potentially impact the translation technology for low resources.
Additionally, due to the following points:
(i) There is no existing publicly available translation technology for
(ii) Bodo is a low-resource language (potentially ample contribution space
(iii) Belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family, unlike other Indian
languages like Hindi and Assamese.

I would like to know if this is a potential project. If so, I would like to
interact with potential mentors.

Any comments on the English-Bodo language pair are most welcome.

With Regards,
Maharaj Brahma
Research Scholar
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering


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