Kevin came up with quite a few ideas 😅

I think we should go for it. I'm happy to mentor this year.

Missatge de Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <> del dia dv., 26 de
gen. 2024 a les 10:41:

> > [CC: -stuff and PMC]
> >
> > Should we apply for Google Summer of Code this year? Deadline Feb 6th.
> >
> > -- Tino Didriksen
> I'd be happy to mentor at least. Some projects that I personally would
> love to see happen:
> * More dictionaries and language data! Whether from scratch or converting
> sources
> * Implement preferences in existing pairs
> * Capitalisation handling in existing pairs
> * Faster / more robust recursive transfer
> * (alternatively / more experimental) CG-based transfer
> * Language Server Protocol and/or better editor support
>   (newly open sourced Zed editor supports tree-sitter …)
> * WASM
> * Nice dictionary UI for web (and generally fixing web papercuts)
> Also, not fully thought through yet, but I'd love some way of debugging
> apertium-separable ("why did this rule apply/not apply"). I suppose any
> tooling here would probably also help with regular dix.
> Also, is there anything that could make using our data in *other* tools
> and systems easier?
> best regards,
> Kevin
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