> Yes, even if you already registered last year. We just got a warning that
> we only have 1 admin (me), even though I was sure we had 3. So,
> https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/
> "Before you can add an Org Member who has participated in previous programs
> to your organization for 2024, they must first agree to the 2024 Program
> Rules and Org Member agreement by logging into their GSoC dashboard and
> clicking the 2024 and expanding it to see the 2024 Terms."
> As soon as possible, or we'll be kicked out of the program.

OK, so under the heading saying "2024 Status: Accepted" you have to
click on the Rules and ToS and hit accept on them too.

(It was not immediately obvious that I still had something unfinished
there. They should have some kind of
    Inbox (2) 
to make it clear.)

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