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Sent: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 2:54 pm
Subject: Part 1 - The Worst Cover-Up In The History Of The World!

This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!! I am sending 3 emails from Dr. Robert O. Young 
....you can browze thru #1 & #2 but please read carefully #3 all the way to the 
end!!!! You'll see why when you get to August 2008!!

Subject: Part 1 - The Worst Cover-Up In The History Of The World!
The following newsletter on the history of virology, bacteriology, mycology and 
vaccination is extremely long but important for the world to know the truth.
Because of the length of this article I have divided it into 3 parts to be sent 
out in 3 separate emails.
May I suggest before reading further to please watch the following YouTube 
video entitled, 'The Worst Cover-up in the History of the Military.' And 
finally, please share this information with everyone you know. It is a matter 
of life and death.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj7AN4fRe6s The story of marine David Fey reads 
like a crime novel and is typical of all the cases I am personally aware of. It 
is shocking and sad to think that our soldiers pledging their lives to defend 
the United States are being used as guinea pigs for unknown vaccinations. It is 
nothing new because it has been going on for 100's of years.
Let's start with a few quotes:
'The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think 
things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost 
inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is 
dishonest, insane, intolerable.'
- H L Mencken 'No country and no people can be free and ignorant at the same 
- Thomas Jefferson 'The only safe vaccine is the one that is never used.'
- James Shannon Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director 'I haven't 
got a flu shot and I don't intend to.'
- George W. Bush 2004 Presidential Candidate 'Vaccinations only prove that you 
can inject someone with highly acidic toxic poisonous chemicals and that person 
hopefully surviving the debilitating side effects, such as multiple sclerosis, 
lesions on the brain, paralysis, breakdown of the red and white blood cells, 
ulcerations of the liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, stomach and bowels, seizures 
and death. Vaccinations provide a person with zero immunity against any disease 
because disease is born in us and from us. True immunity that20leads to health 
and fitness can only be achieved by making healthy lifestyle and dietary 
- Dr. Robert O. Young The pH Miracle Living Center www.phmiracleliving.com The 
following is a history of virology, bacteriology, mycology and vaccination that 
has lead to many of the out-breaks and/or epidemics from the Spanish Flu 
Epidemic to Polio to HIV/AIDS to the Gulf War Syndrome and now to our latest 
epidemics of prostate and breast cancer, diabetes, obesity and the rise of 
autism in children.
Dr. Young has stated that the use of vaccinations, antibiotics and anti-fungals 
will only poison the body leading to the one sickness and one disease - latent 
tissue acidosis and then death.
All vaccinations, antibiotics and anti-fungals are the acids of morbid 
fermentation of plant, animal and human matter and when ingested or injected 
can only prove that you can poison the body and hopefully live through it.
The day will soon come when scientists will proclaim that the use of 
vaccinations, antibiotics and anti-fungals are harmful to the human body and 
should not be used under ANY circumstances.
In the words of Thomas Edison, 'The Doctor of the Future will give no medicine, 
but will involve the patient in the proper use of food, fresh air, and 
exercise.' The future that Thomas Edison speaks is here and now! Read on to 
understand and to see the course we have been walking for the last se veral 
centuries and how things must change before it is to late.
And now the time line to human disaster.

This may be one of the most important chronologies you will ever read!
1798 General vaccine programs against cowpox instituted in the US.
1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins.
1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued 
experimentation with 'smallpox vaccine.' The paradigm that vaccines provide 
'lifetime immunity' is abandoned, and the concept of 're-vaccination' is 
1822 The British government advances Edward Jenner another £20,000 for 
'smallpox vaccine' experimentation. Jenner suppresses reports which indicate 
his concept is causing more death than saving lives.
1844 Fredrich Loeffler isolated the diphtheria bacillus from the throats of 
1881 Sternberg in his own lab isolated the pneumococcus
1882 Robert Koch isolates the tubercle bacillus
1883 Robert Koch isolates the cholera bacillus.
1883 Max Von Pettenkofer suggested that Koch's bacteria were only one of the 
many factors in the causation of cholera. He prepared test tubes thick with 
lethal cholera bacteria and he and several of his students drank them down with 
no side affects.
1888 Bacteriological Institute opens in Paris=2 0for experimentation with 
animals and production of vaccines and sera. Other institutes open around the 
world modeled after the Paris Institute.
1888 Bacteriological Institute in Odessa, Russia tries its hand at a vaccine 
for anthrax. Over 4500 sheep are vaccinated; 3,700 of them die from the 
1909 New York Press, January 26, 1909 publishes a report by W.B. Clark which 
states, 'cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be 
introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer 
in an un-vaccinated person.' Scientific evidence begins to mount that where 
human lymph is employed in a vaccine, syphilis, leprosy and TB soon follow. 
Where calf lymph is employed in the creation of a vaccine, TB and cancer soon 
follow. (Cancer and Vaccination by Esculapius). 
1911 The head of French Public Health for the French Army said that germs alone 
were 'powerless to create an epidemic.'
1911 vaccinations became a requirement in the U.S. Army. Cases of typhoid and 
vaccinial diseases increased rapidly, according to Army records.
1912 First whooping cough (Pertussis) vaccine created by two French 
bacteriologists, Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou, who wanted to use it in 
Tunisia. After they grew Pertussis bacteria in large pots, they killed it with 
heat, mixed it with formaldehyde (used to embalm bodies) and injected it into 
1917 The death rate from typhoid reached the highest point in the20history of 
the U.S. Army after America entered the war.
In 1917, 19,608 men were admitted into army hospitals due to anti typhoid 
inoculation and vaccinia, according to a report of the Surgeon-General of the 
U.S. Army; and this doesn't take into account others whose symptoms were 
attributed to other causes. The army doctors knew all these cases of disease 
and death were due to vaccination and were honest enough to admit it in their 
medical reports. Army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a 
stronger vaccine, however it caused a worse form of typhoid, paratyphoid. They 
then concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress the previous one and 
created an even worse disease--Spanish flu.
After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken 
world from the soldiers returning from WWI battle fronts infected with 
dangerous diseases.
The rest is history.
April 6th, 1918 the US declares war on Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and 
the Ottoman Empire. America swings into full production of War material. 
American men are drafted into military service and deployed for training in 
'broad-spectrum' live virus influenza vaccination. Rockefeller makes millions 
in vaccine sales while consolidating Standard Oil contracts worldwide. The 
first British soldiers committed to World War I are deployed to Iraq to protect 
American oil interests there. Following mass vaccine20injections, U.S. soldiers 
are crowded into troop ships and sent to 'train' in Spain. Seasick, stressed 
soldiers aged 18-34 exhibit influenza symptoms on the voyage. Immediately after 
arriving in Spain, U.S. soldiers are 'trained', that is, exposed to, the 
various forms of gas they will experience in the trenches in France. Exposure 
to these highly toxic gases causes the live-virus influe nza organisms to 
mutate into an extremely lethal, and highly communicable, form of virus. 
Millions of young, healthy men and women aged 18-34 die worldwide as a result 
of vaccinations combined with novel and highly toxic chemicals.
'Vaccination, Not a Virus, Is Responsible for the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918.'
- Dr. Robert O. Young The pH Miracle Living Center www.phmiracleliving.com
1933 a British science team to identify the first filterable bacteria in man, 
yet propaganda says that the virus of Spanish flu killed millions of civilians 
and soldiers during the pandemic from 1918 to 1920.
Many would have us believe that all those American soldiers who died from 
non-combatant causes died from Spanish flu. However, U.S. Army records show 
that seven men died after being vaccinated.
A report from U.S. Secretary of War Henry L Stimson, the deaths were not only 
verified but also there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis 
reported as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six months 
of th e war. Plus, the yellow fever vaccination was only one of the 14 to 25 
shots given to recruits.
After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken 
world from the soldiers returning from WWI battle fronts infected with 
dangerous diseases.
1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines that 
killed up to 100 million people.
The rest is history.
1921 BCG tuberculosis vaccine developed.
1922 A study by Samuel Torrey Orton connects emotional disturbance with 
neurological problems. This insight was lost after World War II when 
psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis became popular, breaking the 
connection. The emotional disturbances caused by vaccines then became financial 
fodder for the new psych-industries. With the causes suppressed, a new industry 
was born.
1925 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen tries a modified Pertussis vaccine 
during an epidemic in the Faroc Islands. It did not prevent Pertussis. (See 
1925 General vaccine programs against tuberculosis began in the United States.
1927 British government appoints a committee to inquire into 'vaccine lymph', 
as it is noticed that the 'glycerinated calf lymph' used in vaccinations causes 
deaths from 'sleepy sickness'. 
Two London professors bring notice of the problem to the government in 1922. It 
takes 5 years before the government responds.April, 1930 Eli Lilly, makers of 
thimerisol, inject the produ ct into 22 people with meningitis who all die. 
Lilly publishes the 'study', claiming that thimerisol, 50% mercury by weight, 
is safe.
1930 Max Theiler develops a yellow fever vaccine.
1931 Roosevelt endorses polio 'immune serum', precursor to vaccines in 1950's.
1932 Diptheria vaccines injure 171 and kill 1 in Charolles, France.
1933 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen discovers the Pertussis vaccines ability 
to kill infants without warning (SID). He reports that two babies vaccinated 
immediately after birth died in a few minutes.
1933 American researchers report that children react to Pertussis vaccine with 
fever, convulsions and collapse.
1936 Pertussis vaccine introduced in the United States. Autism begins to appear 
in children shortly thereafter.
1936 Diptheria vaccine injures 75 in France.
1943 American vaccine researcher Pearl Kendrick reports that adding a metallic 
salt seemed to heighten the capacity of the Pertussis vaccine to produce 
anti-bodies. (Metal salt is an 'adjuvant' in this way). Some metallic salts 
used are those of aluminum (alum). Pearl Kendrick is the researcher that urged 
that Pertussis vaccine be combined with Diptheria vaccine. Later the Tetanus 
vaccine was added, producing the nefarious DPT Vaccine.
1943 General vaccine program against influenza begins in the US.
1944 Health Practitioners Journal, June 1944, reports Dr. S.S. Goldwater, the 
New York Commissioner of Hospitals=2 0states 'as a result of the drugs, 
vaccines and other suppressive treatments used to check diseases, chronic 
diseases are growing at such a rate that America may become a nation of 
1945 Japan surrenders twice, followed by US bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki and a 
third and final surrender. The Allies mandate compulsory vaccination in Japan. 
The first cases of autism follow pertussis vaccine introduction.
1946 US Government Pertussis vaccine expert Margaret Pittman and FDA's Charles 
Kendrick decide to test Pertussis vaccine by injecting it into the brains of 
mice and see how many survive.
1946 Werne and Garrow describe the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of 
their second Pertussis shot.
1947 Matthew Brody at the Brooklyn Hospital gives detailed descriptions of two 
cases of brain damage leading to death in children receiving Pertussis shots.
1947 Charles Posner of the Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology 
writes, 'almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction 
involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vasculopathy 
that is often associated with demyelination.' (demyelination is the stripping 
of the insulation away from the nerves).
1947 The British Medical Research Council begins testing 50,000 children in 
Britain with the Pertussis vaccine. All children tested are more than 14 months 
old (not newborns). Eight infants had convulsions within 72 hours of the shot, 
34 had convulsions withi n 28 days of the shot. British doctors denied a 
connection between the vaccine and the convulsions, declaring the tests a 
success and began administering it to all British children. Despite the fact 
that none of the tests were conducted on children under 14 months old (newborns 
& babies), the United States holds the tests in evidence that the vaccine is 
safe for newborns as young as 6 weeks of age. The testing would continue until 
1948 Randolph K. Byers and Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School 
publish an article describing children who had suffered brain damage after 
receiving Pertussis vaccine. The findings provided the first clear evidence 
that the vaccine caused the serious neurological complications in children. 
1948 Randolph Byes and Frederick Moll of Harvard Medical School validate that 
severe neurological disorders follow the administration of DPT vaccine. The 
research was performed at Children's Hospital in Boston and published in 
Pediatrics magazine. Nothing was done by physicians to halt the use of DPT 
1948 A study on Pertussis vaccine reaction is done by Randolph K. Byers and 
Frederick C. Moll of the Harvard Medical School. They examine 15 children who 
had reacted violently within 72 hours of a Pertussis vaccination. All the 
children were normal before the shot. None had ever had a convulsion before. 
One of the children became blind, deaf, spastic and helpless after being given 
the Pertussis shot. Out of the 15 children, 2 died an d 9 suffered from damage 
to their nervous system. Physicians were displeased by these results.
1948 England bans smallpox vaccine.
1948 North Carolina polio cases number 2,498. See 1949.
1948 Louis Sauer makes an interesting observation at an AMA meeting where 
Pertussis vaccination was discussed. Louis Sauer points out that 'the 
neurological damage caused by Pertussis vaccine is the same as the damage 
caused by Pertussis (whooping cough--Which is logical, because they use the 
bacteria in the vaccine). According to Sauer, 'a customary prophylactic dose of 
Pertussis vaccine seems to illicit a chain of nervous system reactions and in 
some cases irreversible pathological changes in the brain. These findings 
resemble those encountered in cases of severe whooping cough (Pertussis).' In 
other words, the vaccine is causing the disease condition.
1949 US Public Health Service Division of Biologics Standards establish a 
national potency test for Pertussis vaccine, and modify it in 1953 to establish 
potency limits. Despite this, the Pertussis vaccine that is pronounced 'safe' 
still causes minimal brain damage (MBD) in humans.
1951 Theiler wins Nobel for work on yellow fever vaccine.
1952 Formulation of the polio vaccine begins. Tens of millions of doses of 
polio vaccines produced from virus grown in monkey cells infected with SV-40 
(Simian Virus #40). Scientists 'perform experiments in laboratories to 
determine the correct doses of antigen and supplementary chemical s to use in 
the polio vaccine. (Ironically, since the scientific premise of vaccination is 
faulty, a 'correct dose of antigen and chemicals' does not exist).
1953 At the University of Zurich, Dr. S.Kong of the Pediatric Clinic compiles a 
list of 82 cases of Pertussis vaccine damage from world literature.
1953 The Swedish conduct a study on the Pertussis vaccine. Anna L. Annell, a 
Swedish researcher, writes a major work on Pertussis which indicates that 
'pertussis vaccine may be associated with the most varying kinds of cerebral 
complications which may be cortical, subcortical or peripheral.' The end of 
part 1 or 3 parts.

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www.articlesofhealth.blogspot.com 'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, 
but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine 'Any sufficiently=2 
0advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke 
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no 
miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein pH 
Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol Valley Center, California 92082 US © Copyright 2008 - Dr. 
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