Ponders News Tell Washington You Are Fed Up!
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Find your candidate for the 2008 Election
http://www.vajoe. com/candidate_ calculator. html

Tell Washington You Are Fed Up!

Because of Washington, every member of your family now owes $37,667! Tell
Congress that you want answers and action!

Washington has just put every member of your family deeper in debt.
Washington added $700 billion to what we owe, making our debt $11.3
trillion. That amounts to $37,667 for every man, woman and child in
America. Several hundred million of this $700 billion bailout went for "pork
barrel" spending which is unrelated to the financial crisis.

The financial crisis is the result of power-hungry politicians telling
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make loans to people who could not afford
them, and then Fannie and Freddie forced the banks they serve to do the
same. Those who lived inside their means and bought what they could afford
are seeing their retirement funds going down the drain while the responsible
parties pocket their millions. Take action now...

http://www3. capwiz.com/ afanet/home/
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Get your "Vote!" Large Mug

Rock the vote, vote or die, however you say it, just Vote! Awesome election
day gear, clothes, stickers and buttons. Vote clothes, tees and mugs for
November elections. Voting shirts!

http://www.anrdoezr s.net/email- 3189384-10467594 ?url=http%
3A%2F%2Fwww. cafepress. com%2Fworldsfair .199516593% 3Fr%3Dcj%
26pid%3D7532081% 26CMP%3DOTC% 3Acommissionjunc tion&cjsku= 199516593
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Articles of Interest

Statutory Rape-Hiding Planned Parenthood to Receive Thousands: Help Stop
Misuse of Tax Dollars

Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio, fighting right now at the Ohio Supreme
Court for the right to protect child rapists; the same Planned Parenthood
promoting the twisted site www.theAWordOhio. com; the same Planned Parenthood
targeting two high schools in a minority neighborhood, will likely receive
thousands more from Hamilton County if you don't do something to stop it.

http://www.all. org/newsroom_ releases. php


The Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is
hailing an opinion issued this week by Washington Attorney General Rob
McKenna that says cities cannot enact local laws to prohibit the possession
of firearms on city property or in city-owned facilities, effectively nixing
a plan by Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels to do just that by executive fiat. Read

http://www.ccrkba. org/pub/rkba/ press-releases/ wa.ag.opinion. htm

It's Not as Though Anyone Saw It Coming

Who's to blame for the current meltdown of the financial sector, caused by
the dependence of so many corporate balance sheets on defaulting home

http://www.lewrockw ell.com/suprynow icz/suprynowicz9 5.html

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a pioneering examination of political conspiracy and psychological
reconditioning. Major Bennett Marco (Denzel Washington) and Sergeant Raymond
Shaw (Liev Schreiber) are two soldiers who served in the same company during
Operation Desert Storm, but their paths following their tours of duty have
been very different. Shaw, the son of powerful congresswoman Eleanor Shaw
(Meryl Streep), has used his reputation as a war hero to quickly scale the
ladder of American politics, and with the help of his mother earns the Vice
Presidential nomination. Marco, on the other hand, has been troubled with
mental illness, and is convinced that something strange happened to him and
his compatriots during the war. As Marco struggles to find the truth behind
his nightmares and emotional torment, he unearths some disturbing facts
about how his mind and body have been reworked by shadowy forces, as well as
those of his fellow soldiers -- including Raymond Shaw. Buy it today!

http://www.tkqlhce. com/email- 3189384-10501657 ?url=http% 3A%2F%2Fcj.
shop.com% 2FMANCHURIAN_ CANDIDATE_ %2528DVD% 2529%2528WS04SPE
CIAL_COLLECTORS_ EDITION%2529_ DVD-20744984- 41050205- p%21.shtml%
3Fsourceid% 3D23&cjsku= 41050205
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Sites of Interest

The Minuteman Project
http://www.minutema nproject. com
American Conservative Union
http://www.conserva tive.org/ pressroom/ default.asp
American Life League
http://www.all. org/newsroom_ releases. php
Focus On The Family
http://www2. focusonthefamily .com/press/ pressreleases/
Family Research Council
http://www.frc. org/newsroom
Concerned Women for America
http://www.cwfa. org/media. asp
American Family Association
http://www3. capwiz.com/ afanet/home/
Traditional Values Coalition
http://www.traditio nalvalues. org/catid. php?catid= 10
Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
http://www.ccrkba. org/

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Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the
United States?

Vote on it: http://www.pbs. org/now/polls/ poll-435. html

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Yes, Shonda said it

...if everyone who agrees with third party would vote third party instead of
being so afraid that their vote won't count, then the guys in Washington
will start taking notice that there is a formidable foe out there that
doesn't agree with it's policy's and start acting accordingly. Even
Obama...if he wins by a close 2nd and 3rd party vote to boot.

I didn't think Bush would stay in office 8 years, but he did. At least he
had the first 4 years to decide if his policies were going to be supported
well enough for the next 4. We'll have 4 years to influence the policies of
whoever is elected. We can only do that by voting what we believe in, not
voting to secure something we would rather not have in order to keep
something else we would rather not have out.

As far as the UN goes, we've made our voice heard with the politicians and
those in office. Voting is the only voice we have at this point in time that
makes any difference at all.
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Recruiting on the Web: Smart Strategies for Finding the Perfect Candidate

http://www.dpbolvw. net/email- 3189384-10569768 ?url=http%
3A%2F%2Fabunga. com%2F%3Fclick% 3DEE3129F1- 498D-4E3A-
A9DD-BF3A36B34A9 9%26d%3Dproduct% 26productid% 3D9780071384858&
cjsku=9780071384 858

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What Ponder's News is About:

This newsletter is dedicated to getting out information vital to encouraging
action and thought toward protecting our rights as Americans. I will post
information that is important to the Judeao-Christian point of view. I will
encourage activism in many aspects from organizing rallies to writing our

Here you will see news, views, and ideas that will help you in your daily
decision making as a citizen.

Shonda Ponder does not necessarily support any one person, group or
organization. She dedicated to information as a whole. If you don't like the
information posted here, don't share it. It's that simple. If you do find
this information useful, then by all means, please share the information you
find here.
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Chuck Baldwin 08 Large Mug

If Baldwin and the Constitution Party have your vote in November, then let
everyone know it!

http://www.tkqlhce. com/email- 3189384-10467594 ?url=http%
3A%2F%2Fwww. cafepress. com%2Frightthing s.271314852% 3Fr%3Dcj%
26pid%3D7532081% 26CMP%3DOTC% 3Acommissionjunc tion&cjsku= 271314852

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Have a Sense of Humor, Please

The Indian and His Buffalo .

An Indian walks into a cafe with a shotgun in one hand pulling a male
buffalo with the other. He says to the waiter:

'Want coffee.'
The waiter says,'Sure, Chief. Coming right up.'

He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee. The Indian drinks the coffee down
in one gulp, turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun, causing parts of
the animal to splatter everywhere
and then just walks out.

The next morning the Indian returns. He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling
another male buffalo with the other. He walks up to the counter and says to
the waiter:

'Want coffee..'
The waiter says 'Whoa, Tonto! We're still cleaning up your mess from
yesterday. What was all that about, anyway?'

The Indian smiles and proudly says...

'Training for position in United States Congress: Come in, drink coffee,
shoot the bull, leave mess for others to clean up,
disappear for rest of day.

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Homeschool Basics and How to Get Started

http://affiliate. buy.com/gateway. aspx?adid= 17662&aid= 10387773&
pid=3189384& sURL=http% 3A%2F%2Fwww. buy.com%2Fprod% 2Fhomeschool-
basics-and- how-to-get- started%2Fq% 2Floc%2F106% 2F33697526.
html&cjsku= 33697526

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Visit Shonda Ponder's Blog
http://shondaponder .blogspot. com
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If you have some news you would like to share, please contact me

Contact Information

Shonda Ponder [EMAIL PROTECTED] m.net

Citizen's Network Alliance
Shonda Ponder, President
903-794-7241 (Home)
903-280-8263 (Cell)

Join the Alliance today!
I'm looking for authors, writers, Access TV Hosts, radio show hosts, TV show
personalities, Newspaper editors, and especially reporters from all walks of
life to join the alliance and help cover the news. If you would like to help
us fight to protect liberty as a media contact, please contact me
Are you a web site owner, or email list owner? We need you too! Any media!

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