Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick
By C. Edmund Wright

Ken Lay and Jack Abramoff must be green with envy over the all the
mischief that has been accomplished by Jamie Gorelick, with scarcely
any demonization in the press.

Imagine playing a central role in the biggest national defense
disaster in 50 years. Imagine playing a central role in one of the
biggest economic disasters in your country's history. Imagine doing
both as an un-elected official. Imagine getting filthy rich in the
process, and even being allowed to sit self-righteously on a
commission appointed to get to the bottom of the first disaster, which
of course did not get to the bottom of that disaster or anything else
for that matter.

Imagine ending, ruining or at least causing signficant quality
deterioration in the lives of millions of people, most of whom will
never know your name. Imagine counting your millions of dollars while
people who tried to stop you from causing all this mayhem were getting
blamed for most of the ills you actually contributed to.

Well, as un-imagineable as this is, there is one American who doesn't
have to imagine it. One Jamie Gorelick is this American. And without
pretending that she caused the loss of countless thousands of lives
and countless billions of dollars of wealth by herself, she certainly
did push some of the early domino's in catastrophic chain events that
are a major factors in life in America today.

This is not a bad millineums's work, when you think about it.
Gorelick, an appointee of Bill Clinton, is the one who constructed the
wall of separation that kept the CIA and the FBI from comparing notes
and therefore invading the privacy of nice young men like, say,
Muhammed Atta and Zacarius Moussaoui. While countless problems were
uncovered in our intelligence operations in the wake of 9-11, no
single factor comes close to in importance to Jamie Gorelick's wall.

In fact, it was Gorelick's wall, perhaps more than any other single
factor, that induces some people to blame Clinton himself for 9-11
since he appointed her and she acted  consistent with his philosophy
of "crime fighting." She put the wall into place as Deputy Attorney
General in 1995.

And for good measure, she was appointed by Tom Daschle to serve on the
"non partisan" 9-11 Commission. And we thought the fox in the henhouse
was simply a metaphor. Of course, in a splendid example of "reaching
across the aisle," feckless Republican Slade Gorton of Washington did
all he could to exonerate Gorelick in the commission. Thanks, Slade.
God forbid the nation actually knows the truth.

But for Ms. Gorelick, one earth shaking catastrophe is just not
enough. You might think that she caused enough carnage to us infidels
on 9-11 as to qualify her for the 72 virgins upon her death. (this
would also keep her consistent with several of Clinton's philosophies)

Alas, that's only part of her resume. Her fingerprints are all over
the Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac mess, which is to say the mess that is
central in the entire mortgage-housing crisis. Without so much as one
scintilla of real estate or finance experience, she was appointed as
Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae in 1997 and served in that role through
2003, which is when most of the systemic cancers that came home to
roost today happened. She was instrumental in covering up problems
with Fannie Mae while employed there and took multiple millions in
bonuses as she helped construct this house of cards.

>From Wikipedia:

One example of falsified financial transactions that helped the
company meet earnings targets for 1998, a "manipulation" that
triggered multimillion- dollar bonuses for top executives.  On March
25, 2002, Business Week  Gorelick is quoted as saying, "We believe we
are managed safely. Fannie Mae is among the handful of top-quality
institutions." One year later, Government Regulators "accused Fannie
Mae of improper accounting to the tune of $9 billion in unrecorded

As we know, the financial damage done by the housing related problems
in this country are still incalculable. Ms. Gorelick's evil tab is
still growing.

But it doesn't stop there. She managed to be on the wrong side of the
Duke LaCrosse case, working for Duke University to protect that school
from it's damaging knee jerk reactions to the spectacularly
unbelievable charges filed by a stripper. (excuse me, exotic dancer).
So, even on a smaller scale, she continues to make money while working
to ruin the lives of innocent Americans in defense of liberal dogma.
At the Department of Defense, when she served as legal counsel there
in 1993, she drafted the "Don't ask /don't tell" policy.

>From what can be gleaned, it all comes from being well connected. She
was educated (is that what they call it?) at Harvard undergrad and
Harvard Law. From there, she kept getting appointed to positions above
her experience level where she could flex her liberal muscles, add a
resume item, and move upward.

Sound familiar?
on "Mistress of Disaster: Jamie Gorelick"

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