-------- Original Message --------
Subject: (It should have been the BOOT ) . . . SHOES for Bush - misc articles
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 14:42:48 -0800
From: JoyRae Freeman <joy...@joy2u.org>
Organization: Joy2U
To: <joy...@joy2u.org>
References: <c8f.3930aa06.3677c...@aol.com>

SHOES FOR BUSH at White House Wednesday 11 a.m.


Please join CODE PINK: Women for Peace, AfterDowningStreet, and Democrats.com this Wednesday, December 17, 2008, in Washington, D.C., at Lafayette Square Park in front of the White House. We will have with us a large supply of shoes labeled with the names of Iraqis who have died in Bush's war. We encourage you to bring your old shoes as well. Come rally with us in solidarity with the Iraqi people to demand an immediate and complete end to the occupation of Iraq.

Read press advisory from CODE PINK.

Watch and discuss video of Iraqi journalist Montadhar Al-Zaydi throwing shoes at Bush.

Watch video of Bush saying that throwing shoes is a sign of a free society.

Read about Iraqi rally for Al-Zaydi.

Watch video of Bush lying about Al Qaeda in Iraq, getting called on it and saying "so what?".

Read how the Bush gang is already refusing to comply with the withdrawal agreement.

Bush Comparison Seen As Unfair to Dogs, By David Swanson.

Muntadar al-Zaidi Did What We Journalists Should Have Done Long Ago, By Dave Lindorff.

Bush claims victory, he gets shoes


Demand for the immediate release of Muntather Al-Zaidi

Statement by The BRussells Tribunal Committee (15 December 2008)

In one magnificent act, Muntather Al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist with Al-Baghdadiya television, epitomized the truth of the defeat of the United States in Iraq and lifted the spirit of resistance within the hearts of all Arabs, matching that of the Iraqi people who continue to resist imperialism and colonialism and who refuse humiliation.

It is Bush who is humiliated, and from it he cannot recover. He had snuck into Iraq, unannounced, to sign an illegal treaty with his puppet stooge aimed at institutionalizing the US occupation. Two flying shoes destroyed the façade upon which he and his cronies claim victory in Iraq.

For the orphans and widows


Newsweek Provides Story of Warrantless Spying Whistleblower


The Fed Who Blew the Whistle: Is he a hero or a criminal?
By Michael Isikoff,

Thomas M. Tamm was entrusted with some of the government's most important secrets. He had a Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance, a level above Top Secret. Government agents had probed Tamm's background, his friends and associates, and determined him trustworthy.

It's easy to see why: he comes from a family of high-ranking FBI officials. During his childhood, he played under the desk of J. Edgar Hoover, and as an adult, he enjoyed a long and successful career as a prosecutor. Now gray-haired, 56 and fighting a paunch, Tamm prides himself on his personal rectitude. He has what his 23-year-old son, Terry, calls a "passion for justice." For that reason, there was one secret he says he felt duty-bound to reveal.


Flyer on Bush to Hand Out at Nixon Film


Here's a great idea: go see the Nixon-Frost movie and hand out these flyers.   http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/sites/afterdowningstreet.org/files/nixonfrost.pdf 


U.S. Already Refusing to Comply With Withdrawal Agreement


Commander: Some US troops to stay in Iraqi cities
By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press

BALAD, Iraq – Despite a summer deadline to pull American combat troops from urban areas, thousands will stay in cities to support and train Iraqis, the top U.S. commander in Iraq said Saturday.

Even with the mandate in the recently approved U.S.-Iraq security agreement, there have been suggestions some troops would not leave urban areas. But Gen. Raymond Odierno was the first military leader to acknowledge some forces would remain at local security stations, as training and mentoring teams.

"We believe we should still be inside those after the summer," he said the sprawling U.S. base in Balad, north of Baghdad before welcoming Defense Secretary Robert Gates on a brief visit.


Free Montadhar Al-Zaydi

The brave Iraqi journalist Montadhar Al-Zaydi has shown to the world the emperor is naked. He’s been now taken hostage in his own country by the sectarian Quisling government of the Green Zone. Not only should he be released immediately; he must be honoured by any decent human being as a hero.

Please, sign this petition in his favour now.           http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/38243


Peace Activists Take Shoes to White House in Solidarity with Shoe-Throwing Iraqi Journalist


Call for his release and tribute to Iraqis who have suffered under US occupation

WHAT: Peace activists to gather with shoes in solidarity to Iraqi journalist
WHEN: 11 a.m., Weds. Dec. 17
WHERE: In front of White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - In solidarity with an Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George W. Bush at a Baghdad press conference Sunday, peace activists will gather outside the White House with bags of shoes representing Iraqis and U.S. soldiers who have died since the Bush Administration's illegal invasion of Iraq.

They aim to show support for Iraqi journalist Muntader al-Zaidi, who hurled his shoes at President Bush while he spoke at the conference on his "surprise" visit to discuss the war. Al-Zaidi is currently being held by Iraqi police and questioned on his actions. The peace activists are calling on the Iraqi government to release al-Zaidi without charges and have set up a fund to support him and his family."

Iraq rally for Bush shoe attacker



Thousands of Iraqis have demanded the release of a local TV reporter who threw his shoes at US President George W Bush at a Baghdad news conference.

Crowds gathered in Baghdad's Sadr City district, calling for "hero" Muntadar al-Zaidi to be freed from custody.

Officials at the Iraqi-owned TV station, al-Baghdadiya, called for the release of their journalist, saying he was exercising freedom of _expression_.

Iraqi officials have described the incident as shameful.

A statement released by the government said Mr Zaidi's actions, which also included him shouting insults at President Bush, "harmed the reputation of Iraqi journalists and Iraqi journalism in general".

Correspondents say the protesters are supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr - a leading critic of the US presence in Iraq. Smaller protests were reported in Basra and Najaf.

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