Q. didn't we just bail out JP Morgan (and his Rockefeller Family buds)?

Rich Martin


(Common sense, politically incorrect newsletter to 11,787 subscribers)


   We suggest it is easier and cheaper to conquer a country by buying up
all the news, publishing and entertainment and media than to conquer it by
fighting a costly, bloody war.  The pen (and Internet) is mightier than
the sword.  --REAL NEWS Editor

   "In March 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests (the steel, shipbuilding,
and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations) got together 12
men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most
influential newspapers in the United States and a sufficient number of
them to control generally the policy of the daily press . . . They found
it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest
papers.  An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought,
to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to
properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of
preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of
national and international nature considered vital to the interests of
the purchasers."  --U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

  An open media conspiracy consists of between 25 to 50 people -- 5 to
10 at each news department at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX -- who
coordinate what slant is to be taken every day and what is to be covered.
Either that, or the most amazing coincidences happen each night, as all
the Big Media news departments pick the exact same stories to cover --
from the exact same angle, often simultaneously.

   But we, the Internet information community, are now on the playing
field!  And that is a seismic shift from years ago.  And the momentum is
in our favor.  (Vast amounts of current news and past history are now
available on Web Pages and News Lists.)

   Awareness can spread like wildfire now, thanks to the Internet.  But
someone has to point it out to those who have not yet focused on this one
point of the Big TV Network info-war against the American people.

   You want a conspiracy?  This is a real, open, observable conspiracy,
the coordinated control of news and publicity -- and the grotesque
censorship -- exercised in concert by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.
--Jim Condit Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio

Article Discussion: Ad losses send industry into a tailspin
by U R Busted on December 5th, 2008

   I stopped receiving local News Papers about 15 years ago and stopped
watching local TV (Networks) about 8 years ago. I got sick and tired of
reading and hearing propaganda from only one point of view and often
obviously distorted.

   Having had personal knowledge of a number of local events that made
the News, I was able to see how the stories were much more distorted and
inaccurate than reality.  Most of these were distorted for the obvious
purpose of promoting a particular political point of view.  This was
always done in a fashion to make someone with a conservative history look
stupid or evil and for someone else liberal to look smart and
trustworthy.  What a sick disgusting joke to play on the Publics trust.

   After my own personal experiences, I began to look at News story's
with a more critical eye and began to realize this was not a unique
experience -- but was Media wide.  Just about every major News source was
doing the same things!

   Now they are finally reaping what they have sown.  GOOD RIDDANCE to

The Bill of Rights: - First Amendment

   There is one, and ONLY one, profession guaranteed protection by the
Constitution.  That is the freedom of the "PRESS" and, by extension, the
reporters who work for the press.

   The sad part of this article about newspapers is the fact that, due
to their own dereliction of duty, they have brought themselves to the
edge of the cliff.

   They are losing advertising revenues because of dwindling readership.
Their readership is dwindling because many readers, including myself,
were finally forced to go elsewhere in search of unbiased news reporting.

   All I ask -- all I want -- is the truth, ESPECIALLY when I am
searching for information of a political nature.  I don't give a rip
which party is proved to be correct on any given issue.  I happen to be a
red-blooded American conservative, but I'm also a mature adult.  If I
find more merit in the liberal point of view on an issue, I am perfectly
capable of saying so.

   However, when I've been lied to one too many times by the press (or
any media), and no longer have confidence in their objectivity, then they
have spit in my face and spit on the Constitution.

   You puppet-master-wannabee liberal reporters and editors and
publishers fiddled while we readers perished for want of facts,
f-a-c-t-s, FACTS.  You self-serving, ego maniacal hacks (I suppose you
prefer the name "journalists") have brought this on yourselves.  Well,
now just go peddle your newspapers somewhere else.  Find some other place
to "make a difference."

   Shame, shame on you, newspapers.
Katy A from south TX on December 6th, 2008

Peg C on December 6th, 2008
   I think what is in a tailspin is media's ability to examine the
reasons for its failures.  No doubt the Internet has sped up the
transformation away from hard-copy new papers to on-line, but for many of us
the decision to relegate new papers to our past has been made so much
easier by the detestable quality.  Besides the systemic bias which comes
straight from the academic world in general and journalism schools in
particular, the quality of news writing is worse than ever.  Every piece
is a cookie cutter copy of every other and all too often they do not
inform at all.  Columns that lecture from a Marxist point of view (check
out the New York Times and Los Angeles Times) are a dime a dozen and why
would anyone pay for them when you can read Internet news web sites for
free ?  As so many bloggers have pointed out, when newspapers have become
nothing more than vehicles for leftist opinion, their value is zero.

   Yet every piece we read in the Main Stream Media about print media's
problems in general and newspapers in particular pointedly avoids the
true reasons for the industry's tailspin.  It's not just the failing
newspapers, but the writers who cover the failing industry who can't see
what is staring them in the face. You can holler all you want about lack
of bias, and keep telling yourselves you don't want the millions of us
who are sick to death of the political correctness and in-the-tank
Obamamania as your readers.  We will not mourn you when your industry is
dead -- the industry we knew and loved has been dead for a long time.

For free Politically Incorrect news ignored by the American news media,
send your friends' email addresses for REAL NEWS from
To cancel your free REAL NEWS, click "reply" and type "stop messages".


With ACORN, La Raza, and Ohio Dem officials sitting on 20,000 suspect voter
registrations and other Dept heads releasing Joe the Plumber's confidential
information, this has been an incredibly, uncreditable election.

Hope you didn't waste your time and gas to stand in line at one of their
polling places hoping the electoral system isn't a fraud.

Rich Martin


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"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of
good conscience to remain silent"  -- Thomas Jefferson

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