Largest swindle in Wall Street history - losses of $50 B

Largest swindle in Wall Street history - losses of $50 B
Tue Dec 16, 2008 20:35

Bernard L. Madoff fraud 50 billion
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December 17, 2008
Bond Hearing Put Off in Wall St. Fraud Case

A federal judge has delayed a bond hearing for Bernard L.
Madoff, the New York trader accused of operating what may be the largest swindle in Wall Street history

Originally set for 2 p.m. Tuesday at Federal District Court in Manhattan, the hearing has been rescheduled for the same time on Wednesday. No reason for the postponement was immediately available.

Mr. Madoff, 70, was arrested by F.B.I. agents at his Manhattan apartment last Thursday after his sons reported that he had confessed to them that his money-management business was “basically, a giant Ponzi scheme” and “a big lie,” according to the criminal complaint against him.

The complaint charged him with a single count of securities fraud. It specified that Mr. Madoff himself had said the scheme had been going on for years and involved losses of $50 billion — a figure that far surpasses any previous Ponzi scheme.

He surrendered his passport and was released on a $10 million bond, secured by his apartment and co-signed by his wife and his brother, Peter Madoff, who was also the longtime senior executive at his trading firm, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities.

Under the terms of his bond, he needs court permission to travel beyond the borders of the Southern District, the federal judicial province that includes Manhattan, and its neighboring federal district, the Eastern District on Long Island.

He was also required to return to court Tuesday so that the conditions of his bond could be reviewed by the court.

Several former federal prosecutors have observed privately — they are not willing to comment publicly on a case their former colleagues are handling — that the terms of Mr. Madoff’s bond were distinctly more lenient than those afforded to Marc S. Dreier, the prominent Manhattan lawyer who has been accused of defrauding investors of more than $380 million by concocting and selling fake real estate investments over a period of years.

At a bond hearing held in federal court on the same day Mr. Madoff was arrested, Mr. Dreier was denied bail after a federal prosecutor argued that he was likely to flee before trial.

“He has absolutely no incentive to stay in the United States; his life has completely unraveled,” the prosecutor, Jonathan R. Streeter, told Magistrate Judge Douglas F. Eaton. “He has gone from being an extremely rich man that flies around in private jets and meets with rich and famous people, to a person who has absolutely nothing and is facing potentially the rest of his life in jail.”

Much the same could be said for Mr. Madoff, of course.

Once courted and cherished for his investment results and generosity, he is now watching as the market trading firm he spent his life building into a Wall Street powerhouse is being liquidated. His two sons, who had worked at the firm all their adult lives, were the ones who turned him in, after he confessed to them. His brother is cooperating with the army of forensic auditors and investigators are scouring his records to discover how much money is missing and what happened to it.

And across the country, those who were once proud to know him are blaming him for their financial ruin.

Under criminal court rules, the prosecution has until mid-January to indict Mr. Madoff formally or explain the case for holding him to a judge at a preliminary hearing.


Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC
- 10:14pm
On December 15, 2008, the Honorable Louis L. Stanton, a
Federal Judge in the ... the liquidation of Bernard L.
Madoff Investments Securities LLC (“BMIS”) ...

Video of Madoff surfaces
Bernie Madoff

In a video released yesterday, Bernard Madoff, alleged
financial fraudster, discusses the strict regulatory
environment, while victims and lawyers digest the scale of
the losses

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