Three Ways to REALLY Help Fix the Vacant, Foreclosed House Problem
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Posted: 16 Dec 2008 08:19 PM CST

Three Ways to REALLY Help Fix the Vacant, Foreclosed House Problem
Posted: 16 Dec 2008 08:19 PM CST

On Jon Ralston's "Face to Face" television program today, Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid was asked about "criticism from struggling
homeowners that the bailout has done little to help them." Reid
responded, "I think they're right."

Is anyone really surprised that despite everything the government is
doing to "fix" the problem of vacant, foreclosed homes - especially in
Clark County - the problem appears to be getting worse rather than
better? Here are three things the government could do, from the
perspective of a would-be buyer, which would actually help…

Although the government's "no money down" programs resulted in some
people being able to buy homes they couldn't afford, the absence of
having a "skin in the game" wasn't the real cause of today's mess. The
real problem was that once their adjustable-rate mortgages went up,
they could no longer pay the higher monthly payment.

Yet in October Congress eliminated the down payment assistance
programs for folks ready, willing and able to buy vacant, foreclosed
houses around the valley. Buyers with good credit and who can afford
the fixed monthly payments for these homes at today's prices and
interest rates, but who do not have several thousand dollars in cash
for a down payment, are now out of the market.

If the government truly wants to move more of these houses, it needs
to come up with some new kind of down payment assistance program.

Secondly, a large number of the vacant, foreclosed homes on the market
today are practically brand new homes in new developments which are
now selling for as much as half of what they were selling for a year
or two ago. That means these homes are now in the price range of a lot
of people who were previously priced out of the market. Except…

When you buy one of these relatively new homes, the property tax is
based on the assessed value of the home back in the "old days" when
the property's value was twice as high. So even though a potential new
buyer could afford the mortgage on the current purchase price of the
home, the government still wants to charge the home-buyer the property
tax at the inflated value. This can add hundreds of dollars to a
potential buyer's monthly payment - keeping these homes out of their

I can appreciate the government wanting to keep getting the same level
of tax revenue at the higher rate, but if the primary objective here
is to clear out the inventory of vacant, foreclosed homes then they
ought to automatically reassess the property tax on the actual
purchase price, not the hyper-inflated assessed value of a year or two

And lastly, many of these vacant, foreclosed homes have been virtually
stripped bare and destroyed inside. Not only are major appliances
missing, but in some houses even the bathtubs and kitchen cabinets
have been removed. In others, people have destroyed the carpet and
punched holes in the walls. If you want to move these "dog" houses,
there needs to be a way to include rehab money in the home loan for
people who can make the payments but don't have a lot of cash lying
around to do the necessary repairs.
Do these three simple things and you'll quickly see fewer vacant,
foreclosed homes in your neighborhood.


With ACORN, La Raza, and Ohio Dem officials sitting on 20,000 suspect
voter registrations and other Dept heads releasing Joe the Plumber's
confidential information, this has been an incredibly, uncreditable

Hope you didn't waste your time and gas to stand in line at one of
their polling places hoping the electoral system isn't a fraud.

Rich Martin

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