Distinctive brain patterns could become the latest subject of biometric scanning after EU researchers successfully tested technology to verify ­identities for security checks.

Donald Rumsfeld’s Tamiflu pushers (just as they were in 2006) are set to be the big winners in the GSFS (great swine flu scare of 2009) lottery. Shares of Swiss drug-maker Roche Holding had fallen sharply after their latest cancer drug failure—but the GSFS came just in time to give their falling stocks a boost—just as the great bird flu scare of 2006 did.

Light switches, TV remote controls and even house keys could become a thing of the past thanks to brain-computer interface  technology

A U.S. soldier opened fire on fellow troops Monday, killing five before being taken into custody, the U.S. command said. NBC News reported that the shooting took place at a “stress clinic” on the main base in Baghdad.

With the economy performing worse than hoped, revised White House figures point to deepening budget deficits, with the government borrowing almost 50 cents for every dollar it spends this year.

Can diseases be warded off by eating GMO corn? Scientists are working to find out.

Officers in the town of Palm Bay are being sent aloft on motorised paragliders to act as spies in the sky, in a first-of-its-kind mission codenamed Operation Soar.

CBS Sports commentator David Feherty drew criticism Friday for suggesting any U.S. soldier would murder House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) if given the chance.

For now, the nation state endures. But these three typewritten pages are a reminder that today’s drive towards a European federal state is inexorably tangled up with the plans of the SS and German industrialists for a Fourth Reich – an economic rather than military imperium.

Afghans are furious about the bombing of two villages in Western Farah province during a drawn-out battle last week, when homes full of civilians were hit.

Sir Allen Stanford, the Texan financier and cricket promoter accused of a $8 billion (£5.6 billion) bank fraud, is at the centre of allegations that he worked as a US government informer, according to the BBC.

A sinister bill working its way through the House may eventually serve as a companion piece to the Department of Homeland Security’s “Rightwing Extremist” report that labels veterans and advocates of the Second Amendment as dangerous terrorists — H.R. 2159, The Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009, sponsored by Rep. Peter King of New York

The release of the 2010 budget request has shed more light on some FBI surveillance programs the bureau is currently developing and testing

Wisconsin police can attach GPS to cars to secretly track anybody’s movements without obtaining search warrants, an appeals court ruled Thursday.

An MP who was involved in last month's G20 protests in London is to call for an investigation into whether the police used agents provocateurs to incite the crowds.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in addition to resistance and steadfastness, Iran and Syria should look for creation of a new world order, otherwise, new cruel regimes would be created.

NASA's critics have long asked: Why does the space agency need to design and build its own rockets and spacecraft?

The year is 2018 and North Korea has just crossed the DMZ, its Army camouflaged among refugees forced across the border into South Korea. It has nuclear weapons and has launched cyber attacks against the U.S. and South Korea

The Venezuelan government on Friday started the process to nationalize 60 oil service contractors and place them under the control of the state oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela.

Sir, Andy Xie’s suggestion that an Asian loss of faith in the US dollar could soon lead to a dollar collapse overlooks two basic considerations (“If China loses faith the dollar will collapse”, Comment, May 5).

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s president, has warned at a military parade in Red Square that Moscow will teach foreign aggressors the “lessons” of the Second World War.

The results will create a database, bringing the Sci-fi movie Gattaca to reality, enabling us to weed out the bad genes and focus on a perfect person.

The CIA has released a devastating document detailing the dates and explicit details of secret Congressional briefings in which members of Congress were told of the Bush administration’s torture techniques and when they had been used.

China has given its clearest warning to date that emergency monetary stimulus by Western governments risks setting off worldwide inflation and undermining global bond markets.

North Korea has begun preparations for a second nuclear test at a site in the north of the country, South Korean government sources have said, raising the diplomatic stakes over stalled nuclear disarmament talks.

In April, 2009, Senator Feingold introduced (and gathered 24 co-sponsors already) legislation, S. 787, to fundamentally change the definition of "water" under control of the federal government: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:S787

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