"This is the most SIGNIFICANT matter of our time"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Tell Congress No More Funding For Afghanistan and Iraq
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 13:53:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: IVAW <webmas...@ivaw.org>
Reply-To: IVAW <reply.357118.276920038.6558113122425769353-apfn_apfn....@en.groundspring.org>
To: <a...@apfn.org>

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Dear Supporter,

IVAW members lobby against more military funding for Afghanistan and Iraq
Between today and tomorrow, members of Congress will be voting on supplemental war funding to continue military occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. IVAW member and Marine Cpl. Rick Reyes testified in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in April about why it is a grave mistake to escalate in Afghanistan. This week, he and other IVAW members who have served in both conflicts are in Washington, D.C. talking to their representatives about why both occupations must end - now. Working in a special collaboration with Brave New Foundation's Rethink Afghanistan campaign, IVAW members are calling on Congress to vote NO on a $94.2 billion supplemental war spending bill that will continue military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

IVAW members voted in January on a resolution condemning the occupation of Afghanistan. Consistent with our position, we cannot allow Congress to continue funding these wars.

Why this additional war funding is a huge mistake...

  1. More war funding means continued multiple deployments for an exhausted military, which means more combat stress and PTSD harming our veterans and their families.
  2. Escalating in Afghanistan means more civilian deaths at a time when Afghan President Karzai has demanded an end to U.S. air strikes that kill and maim Afghan families.
  3. President Obama promised no more war funding through supplementals that are not part of the federal budget and hide the real cost of these wars.
  4. We should be funding job creation for veterans and others suffering in a poor economy at home rather than more taxpayer money for wasteful conflicts abroad.

You can take action today
Urge your representatives in Congress to vote "NO" on a $94.2 billion supplemental wartime spending bill by emailing or calling. Tell them no more blank checks for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

When you do contact your member of Congress, will you let us know? Shoot us an email to ad...@ivaw.org and let us know that you've taken action.

Donate Now!Thank you for standing with us,

Iraq Veterans Against the War


 P.S. For more information about this vote, you can check out the following links:

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