---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peggy Venable, Americans for Prosperity - Texas <inf...@afphq.org>

To: Richard Martin <richsl...@gmail.com>

         [image: Americans for
*Texas Weekly Roundup for the week ending June 6, 2009* *News and Views from
Americans for Prosperity*

   - Sine Die: Texas Legislature drops final gavel on 81st Legislative
   - State Budget passes with low spending
   - Feds didn't prevail in attempt to broaden eligibility for Texas
   - Legislature studies spending
   - Local Option Gas Tax
   - Smoking Ban
   - Eminent Domain legislation
   - Businesses provided with tax
   - Some property tax protections
   - Taxpayer protections failed to pass
   - Senate Denied Confirmation of SBOE Chairman Don
   - AFP stopped some "anti-citizen watchdog" amendments
   - Legislators rejected expanded government-run health care
   - What didn't
   - You can grade the 81st Legislative session
   - Become a Citizen
   - AFP-Texas Speaker's
   - Support 
   - AFP in the

*Sine Die: Texas Legislature drops final gavel on 81st Legislative Session *

After 140 days, the Texas legislature adjourned Monday, June 1, *SINE
DIE*(Latin and means "without a date"). They also didn't pass some
legislation for key state departments and agencies.  The Governor held a
press conference and said it was too early to make a decision on whether to
call a special session. We will keep you posted.

YOU can grade the legislature: Click

*Here are the highlights of AFP's legislative agenda:*

*State Budget passes with low spending growth*

AFP has long proposed budget growth to be limited to the increase in
population and inflation.  We are pleased to report that the 2010-11
biennial budget of $182 billion represents a 7.4 percent increase over the
2008-09 biennial budget. This is an increase of just 3.7 percent per year.

The budget did not touch the rainy day/budget stabilization funds. The
federal stimulus dollars were directed for one-time uses. This is all great
news for Texas taxpayers and good news for the Texas economy. We are still
#1 in exports, Fortune 500 Companies, job creation, and more.

*Feds didn't prevail in attempt to broaden eligibility for Texas
Unemployment Insurance*

In the big battle over whether or not to take the unemployment insurance
(UI) stimulus funds with the strings attached (requiring Texas to expand the
UI program), we prevailed and that stimulus money was rejected.

*Legislature studies spending limitation *

The legislature also required the LBB to undertake a study to evaluate the
effect of creating a constitutional and statutory spending limit based on
the sum of the rate of population growth and the rate of monetary inflation.
The budget left a surplus of approximately $250 million.

For more budget highlights, click

*Local Option Gas Tax defeated*

Taxpayers prevailed in a hard-fought battle to deny local taxing entities
with a new taxing authority, the so-called local option gas tax. Thanks to
thousands of calls going into legislators' offices, legislators got the
message. The votes were not there to pass this measure, though it was
lobbied heavily by DFW local officials and their multi-million dollar lobby
Read our perspective on this taxpayer win here.


*Smoking Ban defeated*

Big-brother do-gooders are often pushing liberty-limiting laws like smoking
bans. Sen. Rodney Ellis and Rep. Myra Crownover proposed legislation this
session to make smoking in all public places unlawful. Problem is, these
legislators assumed private business establishments to be public places.
They are not, and a smoking ban would violate the private property rights of
these business owners. The legislative battle was hard-fought and the
smoking ban advocates included associations which receive public funding.
However, constitutional property rights protections prevailed. Neither bill
made it to the floor of their respective house. This represented a major
victory for property rights advocates, consumer choice and individual
liberty. Read the AFP perspective here.


*Eminent domain legislation passed*
Last legislative session, Rep. Frank Corte was unable to get his legislation
to "fix" the Kelo decision and prohibit government from taking private
property and providing it to developers who could generate more sales tax
revenue. This session, HJR 14 by Corte passed and Texas property owners have
the protections they deserve.

*Businesses provided with tax relief*

The legislature tripled the margins tax exemption threshold, providing a tax
cut for about 40,000 small businesses. NFIB had more information on this
issue. Read it 

*Some property tax protections passed*

Rep. John Otto (R-Dayton) headed The Property Tax Relief and Appraisal
Reform Select Committee this interim and worked hard this session to get
some significant property tax appraisal reform legislation passed. He filed
a large bill with many reforms, but was successful in breaking the bill down
and passed some of those measures. Click
highlights of the property tax reforms passed this session.

*Taxpayer protections failed to pass *

We were unable to enact legislation to provide voter approval for local
government spending to exceed the population and inflation – or 5%. Your
taxpayer-funded lobbyists, local government associations, and local elected
officials fought hard to keep this bill from passing. House Ways and Means
Chairman Rene Olivera told the Texas Association of Counties that he would
not allow the bills to get a vote in his committee. Though the votes to pass
out of committee were there, he turned his back on the taxpayers and upheld
his promise to the tax spenders.

AFP also supported legislation to end the practice of using tax dollars to
fund lobby activities and to pay lobbyists. State agencies have a ban on
lobbying but local government entities do not. We simply want that ban
extended. Taxpayers should not be forced to fund lobby activities, many of
which lobby against taxpayers.

*Senate Denied Confirmation of SBOE Chairman Don McLeroy*

* *
*Gov. Rick Perry appointed the elected State Board of Education (SBOE) Don
McLeroy as chairman of the SBOE. Click here to read AFP's take on the

HB 4294 undermined the role of the elected SBOE by giving the appointed
Commissioner of Education the authority to develop a list of approved
electronic textbooks, provides that the textbooks may be purchased with
Permanent School Funds provided through the SBOE.

*AFP stopped some "anti-citizen watchdog" amendments*

Sometimes what isn't in a bill is most important. For instance, the Texas
Municipal League (TML) attempted to put an amendment in legislation making a
citizen liable for costs should the citizen make a complaint against an
employee of a taxing entity and the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) rules on
the side of the taxing entity. This would have silenced watchdogs and
journalists and given taxing entities opportunity to be more pro-active in
promoting bond initiatives or defeating rollback elections. HB 677 by Rep.
Harnett removed that amendment when we pointed it out. His bill amended the
TEC code to require that anyone filing a complaint against a candidate
needed to either be a resident of Texas or own property in the state. It
provides liability for the respondent's cost of defending a complaint if it
is filed less than 30 days from the election. But fortunately it didn’t
provide a free ticket for taxing entities to avoid public scrutiny.

*Legislators rejected expanded government-run health care *

Proposals to increase the eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance
Program (CHIP) to 300% of the poverty level were defeated. Current
eligibility is 200% of poverty level. Putting more people on a
government-run health care plan simply distorts the marketplace. The thought
that parents making 3 times the poverty level would have opportunity to get
government-subsidized health care for their children is a bad policy cloaked
in its being "for the children". I wonder how many of those households put a
priority in buying a TV, cable access or satellite TV or other luxuries.
Many parents are providing coverage for their children and paying higher
taxes for these programs. To act as if federal dollars are free is also
foolish and fool hardy.

For an overview and recommendations on CHIP, here is the TPPF policy paper
we highly recommend: Click

*What didn't pass*

We regret that we were unable to get more taxpayer protections passed which
would empower taxpayers to determine just how much government we want and
are willing to pay for. We were also unable to end the practice of
taxpayer-funded lobbying. It is clear more work needs to be done before we
can assure hard-working Texas taxpayers that their tax dollars will not be
used to oppose taxpayer protections. Read more about it

*You can grade the 81st Legislative session *

What grade will you give this legislative session? We will grade individual
legislators based on their voting records and have that out soon, but this
is YOUR chance to grade the session, giving the legislature an A thru
F. Sharpen
your cyber pencils and click
*Become a Citizen Watchdog!*

There's no better way to get involved in the political process than by
becoming an AFP Citizen Watchdog. As an AFP Citizen Watchdog, you can
coordinate with other activists to follow your local, state and federal
officials and make sure they spend your tax dollars the right way.

If you're interested in becoming an AFP Watchdog, contact Cindy Mallette at
*ci...@afptx.org* or by calling 512-476-5905.

*AFP-TX Speakers Bureau*

If you're interested in having a representative from our organization speak
at your upcoming group meeting, e-mail *evie...@afphq.org.* **

*Support AFP*

Every dollar we spend in Texas, we raise in Texas. AFP-Texas counts on your
generous support to see the *Defending the American Dream
* become a reality in our state. *Please consider making a donation
* All of the money we raise in Texas is spent in Texas. Thank you for your

*AFP in the News*

AFP-Texas had eight media hits this week. *Click
* to see them.

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is the nation’s premier grassroots
organization committed to advancing every individual’s right to economic
freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of
government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and
prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support
of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government
to its constitutional limits.

For more information, visit

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This is the incredibly uncreditable election.  Rich Martin

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