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Subject: Warning: False Flag attack planned for Sears Tower
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 00:45:05 +0100
From: p314...@fastmail.fm
To: APFN <a...@apfn.org>

The NWO might be planning to bring down the Sears Tower in Chicago just
as they did with the WTC during 9/11. The reason they may wish to do so
is because they want to bring in new legislation to detain 'terror
suspects' forever WITHOUT TRIAL.


"Is the Sears / Willis tower targeted?

Mysteriously blocked web post spells it all out in detail!

I was sort of hum drumming the subject of a false flag attack on 6/11 as
many were predicting, and while I was trying to surf up what people were
saying about the Sears / Willis tower on 6/11 I ran into a mysterious
case of web censorship, and it was enough to make me say something.
Since I am more interested in hard facts than speculation you won't see
me link to things like this often (link is after the picture). I then
spot checked a few truth sites. Whatreallyhappened, Gun Owners of
America, David Duke, and pro-life web sites were blocked as well. You
can get to Planned Parenthood though!

T-mobile is a censorship nightmare. By default, these sites are blocked.
You can go to them IF and ONLY IF you give them your FULL NAME, EXACT
input against a national database, and if you try to spoof it, NO GO,
ALL DETAILS have to be PERFECT. So T-mobile wants to know who is surfing
what, and keep a record of it. I would prefer to NOT have a record kept
and attached to a real world identity when doing the type of study
needed to produce articles like the one on Fukushima. This cell modem is
going in a slingshot. It gets worse - the actual number of truth sites
blocked is countless.

The Bilderberg meeting will be in FULL SWING on 6/11/11. The keynote
speaker, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of facebook, will be delivering a speech
at the beginning of this conference, where he heaps all kinds of praise
on the NSA.

Here is the link to the blog post blocked by T-mobile.

OLD BILL PRESENTED AS NEW BILL before Congress allows indefinite
detention without charge or trial!
If this thing passes, get out when you still have a chance!

Dual citizen Joe Lieberman and Senator John McCain have dredged up a
formerly rejected nightmare bill and once again put it before Congress,
which will allow lifelong imprisonment of "terror" suspects without
trial, representation, or even a reason for why they were imprisoned.
This bill, which was originally drafted and brought before Congress on
March 3 of 2010 as the "Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and
Prosecution Act of 2010" (S.3081) in the aftermath of the Christmas day
bombing attempt, has been brought back to the floor without being
assigned a new number and is this time waiting for the right
circumstance to allow it to be rammed through in the heat of the moment
following what I believe will be an upcoming planned terror attack. I
believe the "failure" to assign the bill a new number is really an
attempt to hide it and prevent people from writing to strike it down -
you can't strike down what does not officially exist. It is my fear that
the moment a staged event happens, it will be assigned a number and
rammed through instantly while public emotions run high, without
discussion or review.

This bill allows lifelong detention without accusation, representation,
or trial. That's right, they can just grab you and lock you up and never
tell you why, never tell your family where you went, and never give you
a chance to even make a phone call or ask for a trial. You just VANISH.
"ENEMY BELLIGERENT" means someone who speaks in a way the government is
uncomfortable with. So 911 realists, protestors, ANYONE who blows the
whistle, anyone with a Ron Paul bumper sticker, ect, could potentially
be targeted and locked up in absolute silence and secrecy. This is
RUSSIA on steroids folks, Russia at least had a 25 year time limit on
detention; this bill makes it FOREVER."

According to Dimitri Khalezov, there are nuclear devices stored below
the Sears Tower for its eventual demolition (just like the WTC and these
were used during 9/11). He talks of this at 6:20 mins in this video clip

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