Subject: New Hampshire newspaper attacked and threatened for publishing Obama 
Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 11:41:55 -0700

The issue here is not the Larry Sinclair story - many of us have seen this 
circulating around the 'net.  It is a issue of free
speech, freedom of the press and first amendment rights.   Since Obama took 
office, leftists have been on attack mode
all over the country - from the recall of Pearce in Arizona, to the ongoing 
attempt to recall the Governor of Wisconsin.  And
we all know the mainstream media will never print anything but spin.  What the 
left  cannot gain in honest votes and support,
they seek to get by force and intimidation. 
Below is a letter from the publisher of the Herald and contact information.  
Please pass this on and if you know anyone in
the New Hampshire area (or anywhere!) who would like to support this newspaper, 
they are in  need of advertising dollars
right now.   Donations would be appreciated.   You can take out an ad, 
subscribe or just an out and out donate to keep their
operation going.  Whatever you can.  This is important.  Stories like this 
often get buried. 
At least, please contact them to show your support.  We need to support anyone 
who is not afraid to report the truth.

The New Hampshire Herald
814 Elm St. 5ft. Floor, Suite 512
Manchester, NH. 03103
Tel: 603-782-4581
FAX: 603-782-4032

Good day. We at The New Hampshire Herald are guided by the motto “In The 
Pursuit Of Truth And Reason.” That is what motivates what we do here. It was in 
this spirit that we set out to print what we knew even then that was 
imprintable, at least from the perspective of the main stream media, the Larry 
Sinclair interview.

Since the publication of that interview with Larry Sinclair, we’ve come under 
ferocious blind attacks, we believe, only from people who have something to 
hide. Our advertisers and vendors have been harassed with calls mostly from 
outside of NH persuading them to cease advertising and distribution of our 
paper. Our website has also been invaded on a number of occasions and threat 
letters sent to us to cease the printing of the last part of that interview. 
The second part of that interview was supposed to be out today, January 5, but 
for some logistical issues we have not been able to get it out as promised. We 
have had a number of major advertisers pull their ads from the paper.

Those of you who have read our paper and see the number of full and half page 
ads we have had will be surprised to see what we’ve got left in the coming 
edition. In spite of this, we’ve resolved not to be cowed or intimidated by any 
means by anybody or by any group. As we promised, all things going right, the 
next part of that interview should be out next week Friday, Jan. 13.

However, we need the support of all of you out there who have called our office 
to voice your support for what we do. We need the support of those that still 
believe in a free press in this great country. This election circle is very 
important for what we do. This isn’t the time to close shop because of a cabal 
that is at work to stifle a free press.


Mary Seales 
Natural Born Citizen
God Bless America 

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and 
scorned. When his 
cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a 
Patriot." - Mark Twain



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