Subject: Laurie Roberts - more bad liberal "journalism"
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 11:46:06 -0600

Two of my co-patriots below have seen fit to rebut your inane and childish 
remarks and I
have followed suit.
I have also sent copies of this to a number of people who live in Arizona and 
in other
states - many of the latter look to AZ with admiration for being at the 
forefront of
protection of their borders. 
You know what Laurie - you are an idiot, like Montini, Benson, who is totally 
and the whole newspaper which we call the Arizona Repugnant.  As your so-called
newspaper is a propaganda arm for illegal immigration, your comments featured 
do not surprise  me.   The AZ republic needs to be shredded into a million 
pieces and
go out of business - like yesterday.  Your readership has gone down the tubes so
bad that you have to practically give away your  paper. 
Why do all of  you in politics and journalism who follow the usurper in the 
White House
like lemmings so strongly object to Obama being properly vetted before being 
to be on the ballot in Arizona?   Answer:  Because he was never vetted and 
of people are now on to the travesty which took place in 2008 to  bring this
communist traitor into our sacred White House. 
Remember the good old days, when we were just known as the Grand Canyon State? 
So says
Ms. Roberts... Remember
the good old days, Laurie, when elected officials followed the rule of law and 
the Constitution?
Yes we are a gun-toting state - check out the 2nd amendment.  Yes we are 
sovereignity seeking
as well.  Arizona has a right to protect its borders and enforce EXISTING 
immigration law.  
We need to revert to states' rights and break the back of the federal 
government until it is
reduced back to what it should be - regulate commerce and maintain the  
military.  NOT have
a criminal Attorney General who goes around suing states for enforcing the law. 
 And failing
to prosecute groups like the Black Panthers who incite racism and seek to take 
the law
into their own hands. 
All you libtards know how to do is call names.  You can hardly ever cite, 
reason or the rule
of law to back up your statements.  If you want to live in a state where only 
felons have guns,
where welfare and liberal policies have bankrupted the coffers, you might 
consider living in
one of those states and leave Arizona.  Try New Jersey - in particular Jersey 
City and Newark,
Chicago, Illinois,  East St. Louis, Illinois; Los Angeles, Ca for starters. 
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  No one is entitled to their own facts. 


Mary Seales 
Natural Born Citizen
God Bless America 
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and 
scorned. When his 
cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a 
Patriot." - Mark Twain



From: To: Subject: Go for it! We can't let her get away with this!!!
Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 19:41:43 -0700

To: Laurie Roberts, Arizona Republic
Dear Laurie,
Wow! Great article about birthers, and Joe Arpaio & Sec. of State Bennett!
Bravo!! You go, girl!
I could write you a BOOK about how wrong you are....but I picked up a GREAT 
line about people like you the other I'll use it....because in THIS truly fits.
"Arguing with a liberal lefty about ANYTHING is like trying to decide which end 
of the turd is the cleanest."
The REAL America who knows we have a fraud in The Oval Office
----- Original Message ----- 
From: To: Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 6:54 PM
Subject: Go for it! We can't let her get away with this!!!

Hey, fellow patriots...this was in the AZ Republic this morning.  Feel free to 
have at her!!!  I you'll see in my message to her at the bottom.  What 
a disgustingly sorry excuse for a journalist!!!

Love, Kandy


Once again, Arizona is the nation's laughingstock
by Laurie Roberts, columnist - May. 18, 2012 08:49 PM

The Republic |

Aaaaaaaaand we're off to the races once again.
The race, that would be, to determine the loopiest, looniest oh-so-laughable 
state in the land.
Cue Secretary of State Ken Bennett: "I'm not a birther. I believe the president 
was born in Hawaii or at least I hope he was. But my responsibility as 
secretary of state is to make sure that the ballots in Arizona are correct and 
that those people whose names are on the ballot have met the qualifications for 
the office that they seeking."
So starts the official kickoff to the 2014 gubernatorial campaign, a contest in 
which every God-fearing, gubernatorial-aspiring Republican will apparently feel 
the need to court the "tea party."
How better to do it than to channel birthers?
In an interview with KFYI's Mike Broomhead on Thursday, Bennett said that he 
has asked the state of Hawaii for verification that Barack Obama was born in 
the islands, and alas, has gotten nothing back.
Other than questions about who he is and why he wants to know, that is.
Bennett says he's not a birther. He's simply following the lead of Sheriff Joe 
Arpaio, who took time out from all those uninvestigated sex crimes to conclude 
a few months ago that there is some presidential funny business about Obama's 
birth. Arpaio, at the request of 250 "tea party" members, had his volunteer 
posse work for six months before holding a news conference in March to announce 
that he believes Obama's birth certificate may be a fraud.
On Friday, Arpaio applauded Bennett's move, hinting that he believes Hawaiian 
officials may be in cahoots with the president on a cover-up.
"Hey, they're probably in a box because if they come back and certify that the 
birth certificate is legitimate, there's a little problem there," he told me. 
"We're not done investigating that."
Arpaio says he's working the investigation every day. "I think there's a lot of 
probable cause there, and we're not done yet."
After Arpaio's big expose, Bennett said he got 1,200 e-mails from people, 
asking him to demand Obama's birth certificate.
To which my mother would ask: If you got 1,200 e-mails asking you to jump off a 
cliff, would you do it?
Evidently, Mama Bennett would say "heck yeah," because eight weeks ago Bennett 
found himself a form on the Internet, got a $5 money order and fired off his 
request that Hawaiian officials verify that they've got proof of Obama's birth.
The fact that Hawaiian officials have said time and again that Obama is one of 
them apparently doesn't hold water with Bennett.
"I was frankly expecting that they would very quickly and very simply say yes," 
he told Broomhead. "Eight weeks later, they haven't said it."
Possibly because they've been asked the question so many times that in 2010 the 
state actually passed a law allowing Hawaiian officials to ignore requests for 
copies of the document. At the time, the Hawaii Department of Health was 
getting 50 requests a month, according to the Honolulu Advertiser.
And now, one more from Arizona's chief elections officer -- the guy who decides 
what candidates' names will go on our ballot this fall.
Broomhead asked Bennett if he has made similar requests of other presidential 
"I don't know if other states have this mechanism like Hawaii has. I was just 
trying to take advantage of what I thought was a very simple and 
straightforward request," Bennett replied. "If they (Hawaiian officials) don't 
or won't do that, then I have to start thinking about well, are we going to 
make all the other candidates, because we should treat everybody the same."
In other words: no, he hasn't asked the others.
So if the state of Hawaii decides that the state of Arizona is certifiably 
insane and refuses to comply, will Bennett refuse to put the president of the 
United States on Arizona's ballot?
"That's possible," Bennett said.
Yes, because it's been 10 minutes or so since we were a finger-wagging, 
militia-loving, gun-toting, sovereignty-seeking circus sideshow on the national 
Remember the good old days, when we were just known as the Grand Canyon State?
Reach Roberts at or 602-444-8635.

Read more:

You know, Ms. seem to fit right in with liberal commentators Ed 
Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachael Maddow, and the like.  Your childish rant in 
today's AZ Republic about SOS Bennett was just that... a whiny, infantile 
commentary on a subject you obviously know nothing about.  But, even worse, 
also a subject apparently about which you have little intention of learning.  
You have had nearly 4 years, and yet, you continue to spout useless, biased 

Let me try to enlighten you some.  If Arizona is the laughing stock in the 
nation, it is only because of you and your deniers (translated - AZ Republic's 
blatantly left wing media) who refuse to see the TRUTH that has been handed to 
you on a silver platter.  I guess your eyes must be so filled with "Obama 
Stars", you can't see past them.
Answer me this question:  Where is YOUR conclusive verified proof that Obama 
was born in Hawaii??? Oh that's right...YOU DON'T HAVE ANY, except several 
bogus birth certificates on the White House website "claiming" they are 
authentic, and two useless newspaper birth announcements.  That's all hogwash, 
and you know it!  Why do you think that 6 months and over 2200 hours of 
investigation into the April 27th, 2011 document, which turned up PROBABLE 
evidence that Obama's BC (among other things) is a forgery, means nothing???  
The truth one has seen such a document (including former Gov. Janet 
Napalitano, as Jan Brewer stated); and there is reasonable doubt that there 
even IS one, which has resulted in stonewalling, and millions of dollars spent 
by Obama to avoid producing the authentic document for over 3-1/2 years.  I, 
and MILLIONS of my fellow patriots, heartily applaud SOS Bennett for having the 
guts to stand up for what is right, requesting that Obama once and for all 
PRODUCE the necessary and verifiable proof of his supposed Hawaiian birth.  My 
best guess is that our POTUS can not.  

There is a much bigger issue here, however, which pertains to the laws of our 
Constitution.  I know you love calling us "birthers"...but in truth, we are 
actually CONSTITUTIONALISTS.  Are you at all familiar with our U.S. 
Constitution, Ms. Roberts???  You might want to take a look at Article II, 
Section 1, Clause 5...and while you are at it, check out the 12th Amendment.  
Both will tell you all you should know about WHY Obama, or any other ineligible 
candidate, should NOT be on Arizona's ballot in November.  Mr. Obama is 
ILLEGALLY sitting in the People's White House, because he is NOT and never will 
be a natural born citizen, according to those specific laws of our 
Constitution.  Do you know the true definition of " Natural Born Citizen"? No, 
it isn't anyone born in the U.S., nor is it anyone born to a single parent who 
is a U. S. citizen.  It is someone who is born to two parents who are U.S. 
Citizens at the time of the child's birth...the key word being PARENTS, plural. 
 Our Founding Fathers deemed this important to ensure that any candidate would 
have allegiance only to America, not dual allegiance.  Why would anyone ever 
consider that only one U.S. Citizen parent would be acceptable, when there 
would be the possibility of his/her having allegiance to the non-citizen's 
parent's country?  As hopefully you are aware, Obama's father was never a U.S. 
Citizen.  Furthermore, are you familiar with U.S. Senate Resolution 511 that 
was passed in 2008 regarding John McCain's eligibility? It declared that he was 
a natural born citizen, having been born on U.S. Territory to two parents who 
were U.S. Citizens at the time of his birth. All of this is more important than 
anything related to Obama's physical place of birth.

BTW,  your analogy of receiving 1200 emails asking a person to jump off a cliff 
being the same as the 1200 emails requesting SOS Bennett verify Obama's 
legitimacy to be on AZ's ballot is asinine.  Your journalistic skills leave 
something to be desired, because they are so decidedly biased.  What you 
apparently think are cute little quips only serve to show how narrow minded, 
uninformed, and completely left leaning you are.  You might want to get out of 
Obama's tank and into the real world, a world with real, honest to goodness, 
God-fearing, moral people who believe in good over evil...not those who appear 
to worship Obama as if he were The the 3 commentators I 
mentioned at the onset of my message.  Who knows, your readers might actually 
begin to enjoy reading your columns for a change.

Kandace J. Ricotta
Scottsdale, AZ.

P.S.  If you care to rebut any of my comments, I'm certainly open to receiving 
your response.


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