Interesting article on the Huffington Post 

 Dear Fellow Patriots: 
I'm going to say something to you all now and some of you  might not like what 
I am about to
say.  This may cause a breach between us, but I am as concerned as anyone about 
upcoming election.  Many of you know me on a more personal level and you know 
I loathe Obama and want him out of the white house.  Like many of you, I've put 
a lot of
time and effort into this campaign we have going to take our country back.  And 
I have
the utmost respect for many of you who I know are in this fight daily,  But..
I'm seeing a lot of stuff out there on the internet about this one or that one 
from the White House 
so-called insiders, who are predicting this or that event - false flags, 
whatever.  We do not
know who these people are or if they really exist.  Frankly, we don't 
necessarily know about
all the people who may be reporting these stories. 
People, I remember something Rush Limbaugh said on his show almost a year ago 
and I
agree wholeheartedly.  The left is going to do everything in their power to 
demoralize us.
They have nothing else going for them and they never did. 
What I see right now is that the left is making some inroads in doing just that 
to people on
our side.  
Everyone has the right to use their outgoing emails as they see fit, but 
remember this:
once you hit that send button, you don't know what impact that will have on 
others.  You
might be discouraging some poor souls who will stay away from the polls because 
feel like Obama cannot be defeated no matter what.  That can lose us an 
A lot of people abstained from voting last time around because they were just 
disgusted.   We need to get every conservative out there to vote and in the 
try to win over as many people to our side as possible.   The liberal media 
already spends
its time discouraging conservatives, we don't need to help them. 
We always talk about and we know the left and their minions in the media lie, 
cheat and
distort and yet we are allowing them to drive us with fear.  Fear of what 
"might" happen -
no free elections held, martial law; the black panthers are going to beat 
everyone up
and kill all the white people.  Remember the brouhaha that preceeded Occupy 
Wall Street.
That did not amount to a hill of beans.  The dirty hippie welfare bums were out 
in the
street.  Many people saw the lefties in their true colors and were repulsed and 
a bunch
of these "protesters" got their heads cracked by the cops. 
I'm no pollyanna.  I know the left will stop at nothing to win.  Obama would 
probably kill
his whole family and 100 newborn babies if that would give him victory.
We must remain vigilant and never underestimate them, but right now I am just 
seeing a
lot of fear mongering that is counterproductive and might result in a 
prophecy.  Right now I see a lot of tail chasing and "the sky is falling, the 
sky is falling"
I also see a lot of "predictions" of chaos and doom to come and I sometimes 
if some people don't secretly wish this to come about. 
The enemy wants us to feel defeated.    This article I sent over is 
interesting.  It predicts
a win for Romney this year.  It appeared on the Huffington Post.  We all know 
that is a
liberal rag.  So why did they print this?  Why did Newsweek, a rag totally in 
the tank for
Obama print a cover story recently bashing Obama.  Of course, no one can say 
a dought  what the future will be. 
The left marches in lockstep and they never break ranks and that is what we 
need to do.
The mainstream media lies; we must be our own media broadcasting as much 
to as many people as we can.  
Please use your talents and time to inform and motivate.  Reach out to everyone 
for whom
you have an email address, a phone number or a fax number to get the word out.  
stories and facts that show this administration to be the Obamanation that it 
is.  If something
bad happens,  by all means share it so that others may be aware, but all of 
speculation I see is a waste of time and potentially dangerous.


Mary Seales 
Natural Born Citizen
God Bless America 

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and 
scorned. When his 
cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a 
Patriot." - Mark Twain



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