Subject: Take Steps To Secure Your State from Obama's Illegal Alien Amnesty 
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 09:46:52 -0600

Please see below from ALIPAC - circulate, post on your social networks.  

The states have a lot of power to stop benefits to illegals and hiring of 
Let the illegals  self deport as many are now doing. That will save the money 
we would have to spend to transport them.  
Billions are spent each year on  welfare, food stamps and medical care for these
leeches while our country is deep in debt and millions of Americans are out of
work.  And in the past several years they have shown the utmost contempt for
our country, our laws and our flag.   They've stepped on the flag and they feel
they should have rights that American citizens don't have, i.e. the right to 
around without proper identification. 
Make the calls to your governor's office if you live in a state that needs to 
make these reforms. 
Step up to the plate and make your voices heard.  You can make a difference if 
get involved and the time is long past for people to get on board. 
Many states have already taken the necessary steps to uphold the law of the 
P.S. While it seems almost popular wisdom at this juncture to say this upcoming 
election is crucial to our
survival - I've run across many people who say they will  to sit it out and 
they are conservatives.  Please do
your best to urge  these folks register to vote and get out the vote.  Imagine 
for one moment the
kind of appointments that will be made to the Supreme Court during another 4 
years of Obama.   Talk
to neighbors, friends, family and your fellow churchgoers.   
For liberty


Mary Seales 
Natural Born Citizen
God Bless America 

"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and 
scorned. When his 
cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a 
Patriot." - Mark Twain

From: "ALIPAC Alerts" <>
To: "ALIPAC Alerts Subscriber" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:36:17 AM
Subject: Take Steps To Secure Your State from Obama's Illegal Alien Amnesty 

(Mailing list information, including how to remove yourself, is located at the 
end of this message.) Friends of ALIPAC,

Our organization is fully deployed doing all we can to stop Obama's illegal 
alien Amnesty decree which violates a host of federal laws and the US 
Constitution while supporting our candidates for Congress who stand with us 
against illegal immigration.

Today we need each of you to take a few simple volunteer steps to help increase 
the chances we can secure your state against giving drivers licenses and 
taxpayer benefits to illegal immigrants.

ALIPAC's national network has proven time and time again that when we work 
together we can spread legislation and ideas to many states rapidly.

We are pleased to announce that it appears Tennessee is on the verge of joining 
Arizona and Nebraska in taking steps to block Obama's army of illegal alien 
Amnesty recipients from raiding your pockets in these states. We are also happy 
to report that only 70,000 illegals have initially signed up for Obama's 
Amnesty because many of them are afraid that Republicans may use the program to 
deport them.

Please take the following steps to help ALIPAC secure your state.

Step 1: Bring yourself up to speed on the situation in Tennessee, Nebraska, and 

TN lawmakers to limit benefits for undocumented immigrants

SECOND GOVERNOR SAYS NO TO OBAMNESTY - Nebraska Follows Arizona: No Benefits 
for 'Deferred' Illegal Aliens

Step 2: Using the information in the articles above, craft your own distinct 
message for delivery to state lawmakers using ALIPAC's sample message as a 

"I am calling/writing because I am one of the almost 80% of Americans who 
oppose drivers licenses and taxpayer benefits for illegal immigrants. I am very 
upset that Obama is violating existing federal laws and our Constitution and 
elections to give AMNESTY to illegal aliens. Please help our state follow the 
lead of Arizona, Nebraska, and Tennessee by stopping Obama's illegals receiving 
Amnesty and from receiving state benefits!"

If you call lawmakers in AZ, TN, and NE, adjust your message to thank them for 
leading the way.

Step 3: Help us call AZ, NE, and TN to thank and encourage them for securing 
state resources and blocking Obama's illegal aliens from receiving them.

Contact Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to say thanks (602) 542-4331
Contact Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman to say thanks
Contact TN Legislature to encourage them to stop Obama's illegals from getting 

Step 4: Once you have helped us reinforce our gains in AZ, NE, and TN then 
proceed to call and then write to A. Your governor and B. your state 
legislature. Many of you should already have your state representatives' 
information notes handy.

If you are looking for this information for each state (list is far too large 
for us to include in an email) then simply go to or your favorite 
search engine and search on "contact (your state name here) governor" and 
"contact (your state name here) legislature"

Remember that calls, calls, calls, work the best especially when followed by a 
written version of your distinctive message sent by mail, fax, and email. 
Template written communications such as copy and past emails or email forwards 
to large groups are the least likely to have an impact and are often screened 
out electronically, after the first few arrive IF they are not caught in spam 
filters before that.

ALIPAC methods take a little longer to utilize but we use the methods that make 
your efforts the most likely to succeed.

Let's all work together this week to follow these 4 simple steps to spread 
Arizona's, Nebraska's, and Tennesse's efforts to as many states as possible as 
quickly as possible.

If you have QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, FEEDBACK, please post your comments at this 
activism tracking link...

Let's roll!

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

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