----- Original Message ----- 
From: Liberty Counsel
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 6:59 PM
Subject: New showdown over ObamaCare!

      Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
      Liberty Counsel

      A renewed fight in the battle over ObamaCare has arisen from the 
President’s purported 
postponement of a key element in the law, the so-called “employer mandate.”

      The administration’s curious move set a string of intended consequences 
in motion, 
such as their having no way to verify if ObamaCare applicants had been offered 
a qualifying 
program by their employers.  That led to a typically cavalier response from 
Team Obama – no 
problem, we’ll just take everyone’s word on the truth of their applications!

      Although the central planners didn’t think through how they were 
undermining their 
reporting system by the postponement, Obama’s Department of Justice didn’t 
waste any time 
petitioning to dismiss our lawsuit against ObamaCare – based on the fact that 
administration illegally changed the law’s implementation schedule!

      This is totally outrageous!  You can be assured we are moving full speed 
ahead in our 
efforts to strike down ObamaCare once and for all!  Please see my important 
update below – 


      The question that seems to consistently elude President Obama is “What is 
the right 
thing to do for our nation?” Everything this President does is agenda driven 
and designed to 
win elections for like-minded leftists.

      For instance, it is clear to most informed Americans that the White House 
used the 
purported delay of the ObamaCare employer mandate implementation as a strategy 
to get an 
advantage in the 2014 elections.

      ++It’s all about perception.

      ObamaCare is an unpopular, immoral, and unconstitutional law, and no 
politician wants 
to run on that platform in 2014. Barack Obama is using the IRS as a tool to 
elections by ordering the agency to not enforce the employer mandate until 
after the 2014 

      This is not unlike the way in which the IRS targeted conservative groups 
as a 
political strategy in 2012 to assure the President’s reelection.

      Meanwhile, the Obama administration has begun deploying their propaganda 
machine to 
begin the re-indoctrination of Americans to all of ObamaCare’s “benefits” – 
including the 
use of endorsements by celebrities, pro sports franchises, and major 

      This elaborate and expensive campaign, paid for by our tax dollars, will 
run in our 
media until the full implementation of ObamaCare – now delayed until 2015!
      ObamaCare is, after-all, what is believed to be the President’s 
“signature legislative 
achievement,” despite the fact that it may be the worst law ever enacted by 

      We are watching a failed presidency scrambling to cover a number of 
problems, mostly of their own making.

      ++The GOP is calling for congressional action.

      GOP leaders have renewed their call for fresh strategies to pull the plug 
ObamaCare – or to render it inoperable.

      Among the proposed initiatives…
        a.. Pressure the Obama administration to also delay the individual 
mandate, which 
the administration has so far refused to do. Speaker John Boehner and leading 
Congressmen sent a letter to the President asking for a detailed explanation of 
the imposed 
delay of the employer mandate. The letter issued an August 1 reply deadline.
        a.. The defunding and/or repeal of ObamaCare.  Earlier repeal 
strategies have passed 
in the House, but died in the Senate.
        a.. The denial of additional funding for the IRS to enforce ObamaCare.
      It is also true that the administration is delaying what they couldn’t 
produce in a 
timely fashion.  Representative Darrell Issa says, “This is another in a string 
of extra 
legal actions taken by his administration to mask the horrible impact his law 
will have on 
the economy and health care in the United States.”

      ++What’s more, the White House is trying to dodge facing us in court!

      Within hours of the postponement, Eric Holder’s Department of Justice 
(DOJ) petitioned 
the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to declare our lawsuit against ObamaCare to 
be “moot” 
since the implementation of the employer mandates were purportedly moved by the 
administration to 2015.

      On the same day, Liberty Counsel filed a very strong rebuttal, pointing 
out that our 
case is in no way moot! We are waiting on the court’s ruling, but the Obama 
ploy is clearly a diversionary tactic designed to keep our lawsuit out of the 
until after the 2014 elections!

      ++We are aggressively fighting back in court and in the court of public 

      I believe Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit against ObamaCare is America’s best 
hope to end 
the federal takeover of our healthcare system and its deadly impact on our 

      Our legal battle against ObamaCare is among the most significant pieces 
of litigation 
ever fought in the United States federal courts.  And Liberty Counsel’s lawsuit 
is now at 
the forefront of all judicial efforts to have the law overturned!

      Please, even if you have supported this case before, stand with my team 
and me once 
again by sending a special gift today.


      ++This is a lawless administration.

      The “postponement ploy” also raises the question of how the President can 
pick and 
choose which laws he deems enforceable – and those he willfully chooses to 
ignore or not 

      For the President to not enforce the employer mandate, while enforcing 
the individual 
mandate, is clearly using a double standard.  Changing the law’s substance is 
not even the 
Executive Branch’s prerogative!  The Obama administration is thoroughly corrupt 
and has 
proven to be a lawless administration.

      Join us in fervent prayer to be delivered from the murderous, 
unaffordable, deceitful 
snares of ObamaCare!

      The fact is, ObamaCare must be repealed or struck down in its entirety! 
It is a bad 
law with immoral and unconstitutional mandates. The House of Representatives 
has voted to 
repeal it, but the Senate refuses to do so.

      That is another reason why our lawsuit against ObamaCare is now more 
crucial than ever 
to the future of our nation and our nation’s health care system!

      Instead of backing down after the DOJ’s farcical attempt to get our 
lawsuit dismissed, 
we sensed the administration’s weakness and inability to defend ObamaCare, and 
are pressing 
even harder to force them to face us in court!

      This battle is escalating quickly now that the administration has 
overplayed their 
hand and shown how desperate they are to avoid defending their “train wreck” 
healthcare law.

      Please, consider a special gift today to help us advance our lawsuit – 
and to allow us 
to help other employers who have requested our legal representation.  We will 
soon be filing 
more lawsuits against the tyrannical ObamaCare law, not caving in to Team 
Obama’s bullying!


      ?Thank you in advance for your prayer support and continuing partnership 
with Liberty 
Counsel. May God richly bless you!

      Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
      Liberty Counsel

      P.S. ObamaCare will impact every business, healthcare facility, health 
insurer, and, 
most importantly, every individual in America.

      It is a law of broken promises and unconstitutional and immoral mandates. 
It is a 
train wreck and is badly hurting the country.

      Please, help us to stand against this lawless administration for the 
ultimate victory 
in defeating ObamaCare once and for all. We can only do this with your support! 
 God bless 

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      Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., 
is a 
nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing 
freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 
540774 . Orlando, 
FL 32854 .800-671-1776

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