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Posted on my web site with links; www.devvy.com

The items below will remain posted until October 4, 2013

Gee, should we act surprised?

Harry Reid’s Office Leaks Boehner Office Emails—And It Could Ruin Any Faith You 
Have in Washington (as if millions haven't already)

He's absolutely right on this one:

Defund the GOP

The 12 House Republicans Who Are Ready to Give Up Obamacare Fight in Order to 
End Government Shutdown

Surprise! Obamacare foe Cruz votes with Democrats on spending plan

Harry Reid: Forget Constituents, We Serve the Government

The Five Worst Facts About Obamacare

Gallup: Approval of Congress Went Up After Gov't Shutdown of 1995-96

Approaching the End Game: “A Domestic Hyperinflationary Environment Should 
Evolve… Before the End of Next Year”

Boehner coordinated with Harry Reid to exempt Congress from Obamacare

Obamacare is another Ponzi scheme that will further bankrupt this nation for 
generations. It depends on healthy young people to fund those who have no 
insurance and the elderly. SS and Medicare have more than $115 TRILLION in 
unfunded mandates. Obamacare will make that number look puny.

Don't Sign Up For Obama's Health Care Nightmare

Massive New Taxes Hidden In Obamacare

How Obama, Hillary wrecked Libya

US To Leave F-16s, Patriots, Marines In Jordan

Regime change? Who are we to butt our noses in other countries internal 
conflicts? Trillions wasted. All borrowed debt slapped on us ($63 MILLION) , 
our children and grand children. Not to mention unconstitutional:

State Dept Withholds Syria Rebel Aid, Citing ‘Disarray’- Seeks 'More Credible 
Partners' for Regime Change

More insanity. More debt:

Military dumps $34M into Afghanistan HQ that US forces won't use

Obama's Plan to Islamicize America

Also unconstitutional. Food stamp assistance is an internal matter for the 50 
sovereign states. Again, every penny borrowed with the debt forced on us.

Two Eye-Popping Charts Showing Just How Much the Gov’t Spends on Food Stamps

Hello? Where are phony conservatives like John Boehner, Eric Cantor and the 
rest of the bunch? Why have they allowed this unconstitutional rape to continue?

Obama challenges young Africans to fulfill Nelson Mandela's vision for equality 
as he announces U.S. plan to double access to electricity on the continent

Why? Because it is as I wrote in my column, Connecting the Americas 2022. All 
part of the grand scheme for a utopian one world interconnected. Our wealth and 
resources stolen, the Constitution shredded by RINOs who keep winning their 
primaries and get reelected. Nelson Mandela is a life long, hard core 
communist. Of course, Barry (Obama) sees the same toxic vision.

Geoengineering Is Decimating South Africa: The New Scorched Earth Policy

Danger: Wait until foreign troops come on US soil for "law enforcement"

NAU Redux: US Military and Civil Officials Set to Police in Canada

Best-Selling Author Tom Clancy Has Died

The cave so huge it has its own weather system: Explorers discover a lost world 
with thick cloud and fogs trapped inside

Government thugs who need victims to justify their paychecks:

Too Fast, Too Furious: Jose Velasco-Veyro Faces False Federal Charges

Local Food in the Crosshairs: The Unbelievable Saga of Mark and Jill Baker

NC Becomes 1st State to Drop Federal Jobless Funds

The House That Evil Built - Part VI

Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced For 28 Years For Selling Kids to the Prison System

Home Gardeners Beware: Tests Reveal Many Garden Plants Are Treated with 
Bee-Killing Pesticides

Social media is destroying our lives': Lovelorn teens open up to Bling Ring 
author Nancy Jo Sales on technology’s increasing 'hook-up' culture

Almost $2 TRILLION of the expected $12 trillion dollars needed to complete the 
'smart' grid has now been spent. The 'smart' grid is no good unless everyone in 
all 50 states (individuals, hospitals and businesses) are connected to it. 
Federal law requires all federal buildings have 'smart' meters.

Austin Leads Agenda 21 Adoption with Smart Grid, International Codes

BLM to Wipe Out Wild Horses in the Wyoming Checkerboard

Keith Urban donates 'For You' profits to Navy SEAL Foundation - Singer’s 
$300,000 contribution helps Special Warfare military personnel and their 

The Power Of Obama’s Skin Color (by Mychal Massie, a superb writer)

State Police Running Illegal ‘Traffic Checkpoints’ in Texas

Belgian killed by euthanasia after a botched sex change operation


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