On 2/23/10 10:06 PM, Matthew Swift wrote:
I think so - I realize that our OpenDS SDK needs to cope with this as well :-(

It makes me wonder what else could be violated? Should we permit non-DNs for all operations?
IMO, no.

E.g. modifying the entry "joe.blo...@example.com"? It seems a bit inconsistent to be lax in only one part of the protocol but not others. ;-)
There is a difference with the Bind operation DN : for M$, it makes sense to enforce their own rule, as they can't ask people to type a DN to login (even if they could have used SASL instead of a Simple BindRequest). But AFAIK, I don't think you need to 'fix' some other request to accept something else than a DN.

My preference is to encourage conformance where possible. What other known violations are there other than the bind DN?
You can rad this very interesting paper from Symas : http://www.symas.com/documents/Adam-Eval1-0.pdf

One of the major violation, beside the use of a non-DN in a SimpleBind operation is the fact that anonymous authent is not allowed on AD/ADAM by default, but this should not be a problem from the API pov, and another one is the retrieval of MV attributes that may need a special treatment when here are more than 1500 values (and I guess we have to deal with this problem...).

Emmanuel Lécharny

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