
Those were a few lenghty commits, great to hear you worked on them. Thanks. :-)

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 5:40 AM, Christian Boltz <appar...@cboltz.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just reviewed the changes from r13, r14 and r15. See the attached
> file - I added several inline comments in the diff.
Response is embedded below. :-)
> Besides that, I got a nice traceback:
> # python3 severity_test.py
> E.
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: testInvalid (__main__.Test)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "../apparmor/severity.py", line 76, in __init__
>     resource, severity = line.split()
> ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack
> During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "severity_test.py", line 20, in testInvalid
>     broken = severity.Severity('severity_broken.db')
>   File "../apparmor/severity.py", line 79, in __init__
>     raise AppArmorException("No severity value present in file:
> %s\n\t[Line %s]: %s" % (dbname, lineno, line))
> apparmor.common.AppArmorException: 'No severity value present in file:
> severity_broken.db\n\t[Line 14]: CAP_SYS_MODULE'
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ran 2 tests in 0.541s
> FAILED (errors=1)
> I somehow doubt this is intentional - the test should catch this
> exception ;-)
It was inside the try except block of test, I got it out to try how
exception looked.
Turns out \n\t aren't working yet. :-\
> Also note that the last line contains \n\t - this should become a real
> line break and tab in the output...

Response to review of r13, r14 and r15, removed the fixed bugs from the diff.
My responses begin with ##### hope they're not hard to find ;-)

=== added file 'apparmor/aa.py'
--- apparmor/aa.py    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ apparmor/aa.py    2013-07-06 13:27:06 +0000
+# Setup logging incase of debugging is enabled
+if os.getenv('LOGPROF_DEBUG', False):
+    import logging, atexit
+    DEBUGGING = True
+    logprof_debug = os.environ['LOGPROF_DEBUG']
+    logging.basicConfig(filename=logprof_debug, level=logging.DEBUG)

### taking the filename from an env variable? Not sure if this is a
good idea security-wise...

##### The user (not a casual user ofcourse) would set an environment
variable if debugging,
##### Any other you'd want to set debugging?

+CONFDIR = '/etc/apparmor'

### It's just a path, but you should keep it at _one_ place (config.py).
### (besides that, CONFDIR is unused in aa.py)

##### Unused but only as of now! ;-)

+unimplemented_warning = False
##### Some variables are there just as placeholder for later to avoid
corrupting the global namespace later
### set this to true in debugging mode?
### (right now, unimplemented_warning is unused)

+aa = dict()  # Profiles originally in sd, replace by aa
+original_aa =  dict()

### aa and original_aa aren't very self-explaining variable names -
can you give them a better name?

##### They basically contain the list of profiles present version and
the one at the time of loading

+def check_for_LD_XXX(file):
+    """Returns True if specified program contains references to LD_PRELOAD or
+    LD_LIBRARY_PATH to give the PX/UX code better suggestions"""

### the x in Px/Ux is always lowercase
##### Fixed
+    found = False
+    if not os.path.isfile(file):
+        return False
+    size = os.stat(file).st_size
+    # Limit to checking files under 10k for the sake of speed

### hmm, performance vs. reliable results.
### what about a higher limit?

##### I'm open to suggestions for a higher value :-)

+    if size >10000:
+        return False
+    with open_file_read(file) as f_in:
+        for line in f_in:
+            if 'LD_PRELOAD' in line or 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in line:
+                found = True
+    return found

+def get_full_path(original_path):
+    """Return the full path after resolving any symlinks"""
+    path = original_path
+    link_count = 0
+    if not '/' in path:
+        path = os.getcwd() + '/' + path

### this might fail with things like "./foo" (contains / and therefore
will not be converted to an absolute path)
### - maybe use   if not path.startswith('/'):
### - also cleanup the resulting path - /bin/../bin/ping doesn't look nice
###   (os.path.abspath() might help)

##### ./ point
##### The cleanup of resulting path exists with the return statement
via os.path.realpath()
+    while os.path.islink(path):
+        link_count += 1
+        if link_count > 64:
+            fatal_error("Followed too many links while resolving %s"
% (original_path))
+        direc, file = os.path.split(path)
+        link = os.readlink(path)
+        # If the link an absolute path
+        if link.startswith('/'):
+            path = link
+        else:
+            # Link is relative path
+            path = direc + '/' + link
+    return os.path.realpath(path)

+def get_profile_filename(profile):
+    """Returns the full profile name"""
+    filename = profile
+    if filename.startswith('/'):
+        # Remove leading /
+        filename = filename[1:]
+    else:
+        filename = "profile_" + filename
+    filename.replace('/', '.')

### should we replace more chars?
### just imagine someone has "~/bin/bad $$ script ? for * stars"
### (ok, extreme example - but you want a profile for this for sure ;-)
###    I'm not sure about backward compability if we change this (John?)
### but people could also have a profile for /bin/foo in /etc/apparmor.d/mybar
### so we can't really expect the /bin/foo profile in bin.foo

##### It would be interesting to have custom profile names, storing/using them.
##### Tell me where you'll store them and I'll fetch them ;-)

+def complain(path):
+    """Sets the profile to complain mode if it exists"""
+    filename, name = name_to_prof_filename(path)

### see above - you can't rely on having the proifle for /bin/foo in bin.foo
### (IIRC there's even an open bugreport about this)

##### Look above

+def enforce(path):
+    """Sets the profile to complain mode if it exists"""
+    filename, name = name_to_prof_filename(path)

### same here

##### Look above

+def head(file):
+    """Returns the first/head line of the file"""
+    first = ''
+    if os.path.isfile(file):
+        with open_file_read(file) as f_in:
+            first = f_in.readline().rstrip()
+    return first

### should head() raise an error if file doesn't exist?
### (or does open_file_read() do this already?)

##### os.path.isfile() checks that and returns an empty line, maybe a
warning could be logged. :)

+def get_output(params):
+    """Returns the return code output by running the program with the
args given in the list"""
+    program = params[0]
+    args = params[1:]
+    ret = -1
+    output = []
+    # program is executable
+    if os.access(program, os.X_OK):
+        try:
+            # Get the output of the program
+            output = subprocess.check_output(params)
+        except OSError as e:
+            raise  AppArmorException("Unable to fork: %s\n\t%s"
%(program, str(e)))
+            # If exit-codes besides 0
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+            output = e.output
+            output = output.decode('utf-8').split('\n')

### what happens if someone is not using utf-8?

##### The program's output needs to be utf-8 encoded else they get
some weird stuff, on encoding look below.

+            ret = e.returncode
+        else:
+            ret = 0
+            output = output.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
+    # Remove the extra empty string caused due to \n if present
+    if len(output) > 1:
+        output.pop()
+    return (ret, output)

+def get_reqs(file):
+    """Returns a list of paths from ldd output"""
+    pattern1 = re.compile('^\s*\S+ => (\/\S+)')
+    pattern2 = re.compile('^\s*(\/\S+)')
+    reqs = []
+    ret, ldd_out = get_output(ldd, file)

### ldd is "None" - you should fill it before using it ;-)
### also, I'm not sure if ldd needs to be a global variable

##### The setter method is yet to come. ;-)
##### Will fix it when refractoring the module later as I planned. :-)

+def handle_binfmt(profile, fqdbin):
+    reqs = dict()
\ No newline at end of file

### nitpicking - the last line contains superfluous spaces

##### I had a system crash so it was an abrupt push, there's plenty of
code to follow. :-)

=== added file 'apparmor/common.py'
--- apparmor/common.py    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ apparmor/common.py    2013-07-03 23:34:04 +0000

+def cmd_pipe(command1, command2):
+    '''Try to pipe command1 into command2.'''
+    try:
+        sp1 = subprocess.Popen(command1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+        sp2 = subprocess.Popen(command2, stdin=sp1.stdout)
+    except OSError as ex:
+        return [127, str(ex)]
+    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
+        out = sp2.communicate()[0].decode('ascii', 'ignore')

### is "ascii" correct here, or should it be the system locale?

##### From aa-enforce, havent used it yet. However, utf-8 is default
for Python3, so maybe we can use it?

+def open_file_read(path):
+    '''Open specified file read-only'''
+    try:
+        orig = codecs.open(path, 'r', "UTF-8")

# once more - is hardcoding utf-8 a good idea?

##### Again from aa-enforce, and we can discuss using utf-8 or system locale.

=== apparmor/severity.py
@@ -24,18 +26,24 @@ class Severity:
                                 line = line.strip()
                                 if '+=' in line:
                                     line = line.split('+=')
+                                    try:
self.severity['VARIABLES'][line[0]] += [i.strip('"') for i in
+                                    except KeyError:
+                                        raise
AppArmorException("Variable %s was not previously declared, but is
being assigned additional values" % line[0])

### can you add filename and (optionally) line number to the error message?

##### The variable finder method (which is postponed) will fix it. :-)
                                     line = line.split('=')
-                                self.severity['VARIABLES'][line[0]] =
self.severity['VARIABLES'].get(line[0], []) + [i.strip('"') for i in
+                                    if line[0] in
+                                        raise
AppArmorException("Variable %s was previously declared" % line[0])

### same here - filename and line number would be nice

##### Same as above


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