
Am Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014 schrieb Steve Beattie:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 03:04:53AM -0800, John Johansen wrote:
> > Looks good, though I did find myself wishing for a patch to rename
> > immunix to apparmor.
> Yeah, as well as a patch to fix up some of the whitespace quirks (lots
> of trailing whitespace for one). But I wanted functional code changes

That, and also a funny mix of tabs and spaces in several lines.

> to land first before doing any of that, to make it easier to merge to
> 2.8, if need be.

Personally, I'd like to have the fixes applied[1] to 2.8 ;-)  (maybe 
except the change to using aa_change_hatv to be very sure nothing 

Nevertheless, I'll probably take the risk and test 2.8 with the latest 
mod_apparmor.c as soon as you commit your patches to trunk. (I want one 
big patch, not copy&paste from 11 mails all changing the same file ;-)

BTW: will the updated mod_apparmor also need 2.8 r2111? ("libapparmor: 
fix aa_change_hat token format string")

That all said - how many lines are _not_ touched by your patch series? 


Christian Boltz

[1] no need to write "backport" - the patches should apply without 
    problems ;-)
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