Hello, I was just pointed to https://www.mail-archive.com/systemd-devel@lists.freedesktop.org/msg15717.html which contains a set of patches that seem to implement aa-exec-like behaviour in systemd (and a note that there will be a fresh patch soon).
@Michael: I hope the mail address I found is the right one. If not, sorry for disturbing ;-) Feel free to send your (updated) patches to the AppArmor mailinglist (in CC) to get a review of the AppArmor side of your patches. BTW: It looks like your patch requires the profiles to be loaded already. Do you have any plans for loading, reloading or removing profiles via systemd? @all: Can someone have a look at those patches, please? (Even if it's clear that there will be a v2 ;-) Regards, Christian Boltz -- > Manfred, Du solltest so spaet keine Emails mehr schreiben :-) Danke für die Berichtigung, werd mir den Tipp hinter die Ohren schreiben und nur noch Mailen, wenn ich die Augen zumindestens zu einem drittel aufkriege. [> Thomas Hertweck und Manfred Tremmel in suse-linux] -- AppArmor mailing list AppArmor@lists.ubuntu.com Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/apparmor