
any comments on this?

Am Mittwoch, 5. August 2015 schrieb Christian Boltz:
> Am Dienstag, 4. August 2015 schrieb Steve Beattie:
> > However, I *do* think we could
> > have a separate aa-is-enabled compiled tool that answers the
> > question
> > dh_apparmor needs to know,
> So dh_apparmor only needs/uses aa-status --enabled?
> The only thing I can say about that is:
>     Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script!
> ;-)
> #!/bin/bash
> test -e /sys/module/apparmor || exit 1
> mountpoint=
> while read device mountpoint fstype trash ; do
>     test "$fstype" == "securityfs" && break
> done < /proc/mounts
> test -n "$mountpoint" || exit 3
> test -d "$mountpoint/apparmor" || exit 4
> test -n "$(<$mountpoint/apparmor/profiles)" || exit 2
> exit 0
> This script should work, however I gave it only a quick test and
> didn't test on a system without AppArmor (but tested by modifying the
> script to cause negative answers in various conditions).
> I know I'm using quite some bashisms here, but IMHO that's cheaper
> than calling some external helpers (the first version of the script
> had a grep with an interesting regex, and a cat for testing if
> $mountpoint/apparmor/profiles isn't empty - well, "grep .." would also
> work ;-)
> Oh, and the exitcodes don't always match aa-status exactly, but that
> could be fixed by an additional test if needed.


Christian Boltz
> beim Übersetzen von qcad steigt die Prozessorauslastung von
> cc1plus bis auf 98% an. Dasist doch nicht üblich, oder?
Warum stört Dich das? Du hast doch die ganze CPU bezahlt, oder?
Oder hast Du nur 'ne  halbe?
[> Stefan Schlörholz und Andreas Kyek in suse-linux]

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