
On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 3:53 AM, Christian Boltz <appar...@cboltz.de> wrote:

> Helau!
> Am Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016, 05:35:25 CET schrieb Kshitij Gupta:
> > On 07-Feb-2016 3:54 am, "Christian Boltz" <appar...@cboltz.de> wrote:
> > > Helau!
> >
> > Interesting greeting! Some Viking warcry?
> No, see below ;-)
> > > Any comments or reviews on these patches?
> >
> > I'll try to review some of them today or this week.
> :-)
While reviewing, came across "Signed-off-by: (was: Re: [patch] Fix a test
name in test-signal.py)" thread.

So, now I have an excuse until I configure the GPG key. *g*

> > > Christian 'Viking for four days' Boltz
> >
> > I need to know the story behind this!
> Well, it's carnival time again - and this year, we (the rural youth of
> Insheim) chose to be Vikings. We are on tour on some carnival parades
> (the first one was on saturday, the last one is tomorrow), which sums up
> to four days ;-)
Nice. Too bad it was only 4 days.

> To come back to your first question - "Helau" is a "Narrenruf" (literally
> "Jester Cry") and is something we shout a lot these days. It's typically
> split to He-lau, and the people watching the carnival parades (and other
> carnival events) are expected to shout the "-lau" part).
> See also http://paste.opensuse.org/a3dd4fb0 for quite some Vikings ;-)
Awesome!! That looks like a lot of work and fun!

> > And what it entails!!!
> Basically we follow the openSUSE /etc/motd - Have a lot of fun... ;-)
> Regards,
> Christian Boltz
> --
> > Ich versuchs mal so zu sagen: Ich versuche gerade, dich laaaangsam
> > ins kalte Wasser zu schubsen.
> ich mag kein kaltes Wasser, las  uns die weiteren Tests nach Playa
> de Santiago verlegen, da dürfte das Wasser jetzt ca. 20° C haben.
> [> Ratti und Gerald Goebel in fontlinge-devel]
> --
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