
thanks for doing the migration!

Am Mittwoch, 1. November 2017, 08:27:12 CET schrieb Steve Beattie:
> There more work to do to flesh out the above and standardize on some
> practices around git, but this should let us make progress.

One thing we use for the openSUSE infrastructure salt code is the 
"Protected Branches" feature:

Protected branches prevent force pushing and deleting a branch, which 
IMHO makes sense for master and the apparmor-* maintenance branches.
(Ideally we'll never notice that we have that sort of protection, but it 
helps to prevent accidents.)

 Protected branches can also be configured to completely deny pushing to 
a branch, but that would be too much for us IMHO, and would especially 
make backporting more paperwork (create a branch on top of apparmor-2.x, 
commit your changes, then merge it).

According to the documentation, you should be able to choose a group for 
"Allowed to merge" and "Allowed to push" for each branch.

Another question is if we want to continue sending patches to the 
mailinglist, or if we'll switch over to using branches (prefixed with the 
username, for example "cboltz-utils-foo") and then send merge requests. 
That's something time will tell, and it probably also depends on the 
size of the patch. (I'll assume everybody has notifications for new merge 
requests enabled in the gitlab config, right? ;-)

I also wonder how to handle the Acked-by messages in case we use merge 
requests - while it's possible with git rebase + using the "reword" 
keyword, it means we'll have to force-push to those branches before 
merging them.

Oh, and there's still the question if we can get commit notification 
mails - does someone have an idea?
(For now, I subscribed to the RSS feed - but it contains only the commit 
message, not the diff.)


Christian Boltz
    80x25 auf 24 Zoll.
[Werner Flamme in opensuse.de]

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