
There is a Thunderbird bug [0] about profile not allowing to read 
`.thunderbird` for outside of $HOME.

Currently, Thunderbird profile [1] has quite a few rules for `.thunderbird`:

  # per-user thunderbird configuration
  owner @{HOME}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/ rw,
  owner @{HOME}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/** rw,
  owner @{HOME}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/**/storage.sdb k,
  owner @{HOME}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/**/*.{db,parentlock,sqlite}* k,
  owner @{HOME}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/plugins/** rm,
  owner @{HOME}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/**/plugins/** rm,


To ask for a user to copy-and-modify these into `local/usr.bin.thunderbird` with modified paths is kinda.. not nice, and not really future-compatible, if some new rules would be added.

I think it would be useful for these kind of profiles to have variables, in 
this case:

@{thunderbird_profile_dirs} = @{HOME}

I've seen this idea in the Libreoffice profile. It has quite a few variables 
[2], like this one:

@{libo_user_dirs} = @{HOME} /mnt /media

But how would user extend these variables? The `man apparmor.d` states that, if I understood correctly, that variables has to be defined before profile starts [3], so `local/usr.bin.foo` includes does not help, and modifying main profile is IMHO really not good, as it will be overwritten after package upgrade (or asked to diff/merge/whatever) , so next target are "tunables" includes.

Libreoffice profile (as others too) has this include before start of main 

#include <tunables/global>

`tunables/global` later includes these variable-specific files:

#include <tunables/home>
#include <tunables/multiarch>
#include <tunables/proc>
#include <tunables/alias>
#include <tunables/kernelvars>
#include <tunables/xdg-user-dirs>

I don't see "dedicated" place for overriding/extending other profile-custom variables, such as `@{libo_user_dirs}` for example.

Maybe it would be useful to have specific per-profile tuntables, so in 
Thunderbird's case it look like this:

@{thunderbird_profile_dirs} = @{HOME}

#include <tunables/global>
#include <tunables/usr.bin.thunderbird.d>

profile ... {
  # ...
  owner @{thunderbird_profile_dirs}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/ rw,
  owner @{thunderbird_profile_dirs}/.{icedove,thunderbird}/** rw,
  # ...

Same could be useful for <abstractions/totem>, by upgrading this line [4]:

/{media,mnt,opt,srv}/** r,

Into variable-and-rule combo:

@{totem_extra_read_dirs} = /{media,mnt,opt,srv}/
#include <tunables/totem.d>

@{totem_extra_read_dirs}/{,**} r,

This would allow user to extend `@{totem_extra_read_dirs}` for his own use case, maybe ever overwrite (is this possible?) with `=` instead of `+=`, if he does not like access to default media/mnt/opt/srv paths.

Although it would not work with abstraction, so that rule should move into `usr.bin.totem` itself, just take this as more-or-less contrived example for now.

To wrap this up, I am suggesting to apply this guideline and refactor current profiles (and consider it while writing new ones), to use variables and some sort of tunables include, like directory:

#include <tunables/usr.bin.thunerbird.d>

Or single file:

#include <tunables/usr.bin.thunderbird>

Or any other suggestions you have.

Thanks for reading, an I am awaiting for your comments.

[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=882218
[1] https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor-profiles/blob/cc51ebcda9d874124358b01ca09b17414293b15d/ubuntu/18.04/usr.bin.thunderbird#L163
[3] https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/blob/master/parser/apparmor.d.pod#L1261

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